Blog Index

Blog Index.


  • Tue. April 16th, 2024 | Parable of becoming your own Light
    There is a path open before every one of us that leads to enlightenment, or re-joining Divinity, the Source of all, and so, your Source too. It can be walked with joy and in bliss, in the wonder of remembering who we really are, a part of the Divine Source of All That Is, that […]
  • Tue. April 2nd, 2024 | Our responsibility for what happens may be greater than we think
    We think our experiences are random, coming out of the blue, and have nothing to do with us. But actually, it's what we think and say, (even just to ourselves!) and not necessarily out loud, that shapes the Quantum Field everywhere present, in and around us, to reflect back to us the average of the […]
  • Tue. March 19th, 2024 | My perspective on Quantum Field Reality
    There are many names that have been given to God over the years and millennia, and we can adopt the one that works best for us. The name doesn't matter, it's the Presence and the Power and the Allness that lies behind the name that is important. For me, the newest one that has come […]
  • Tue. March 5th, 2024 | Make a shift in perception
    There are many shifts in perception we could make that will help us navigate the challenges that we feel threatened by every time we listen to the news or read an article in the press that is telling us about financial disasters, recessions, new health hazards, lack of food, lack of electricity and inciting you […]
  • Tue. February 20th, 2024 | Gratitude is a state of Being
    To really live in a state of gratitude we must distance it from the idea that it is attached to some material object or some emotional feeling that we receive, or expect to receive. So gratitude is just a state of being, when you align with it, and are filled with it regardless of circumstances […]
  • Tue. February 6th, 2024 | Find the love you pursue within yourself
    We all want to be loved, appreciated, valued and to find the true "love of our Life!" We are looking for it outside of ourselves, because that has been our conditioning since we were born. We have never been truly taught that the Spirit from which we emanate is Love, and therefore we are that […]
  • Tue. January 23rd, 2024 | Consciousness evolution is accelerating
    Have you recently noticed how quickly the things you are thinking about, noticing, or focusing on, seem to come into your life? And that applies equally to things you desire, and things you would rather not have! One of the energies that we are being showered with on this ascension path into higher consciousness is […]
  • Tue. January 9th, 2024 | True meaning of Freedom
    For most people, being free is very high on their list of desires. Which basically means, that they don' feel they are free.  Consider the fact that your Soul is always free, and since you are your Soul, it would be normal for you to be free.  The problem is, we don't really and truly […]
  • Tue. December 26th, 2023 | Consciousness has many aspects
    Consciousness, Energy, Love, is all there is and from Consciousness everything was created. That first creation was described in the Bible as "very good". It was spiritual, meaning "pertaining to Spirit" and therefore invisible, just as Spirit is invisible.  The Love that Spirit is has been subdivided by humanity into many different aspects, but they […]
  • Tue. December 12th, 2023 | Differentiating between Surrender, and Giving up
    The first thing is feeling the difference that already exists even when considering the words themselves. There is a hopelessness and powerlessness about Giving up; while there is a feeling of choice and possibility around Surrender. When you have choice, you have power; but knowing who or what you are surrendering to is now critical. […]
  • Tue. November 28th, 2023 | Changing your vibration changes that of others
    "Changing your vibration changes that of others"... We have been told that in so many ways, by so many teachers and enlightened beings, but it still seems very counter-intuitive! There are so many things that seem to be wrong in the world, and we would love to change the mindset of those who are perpetuating […]
  • Tue. November 14th, 2023 | Celebrating draws to you more things to celebrate
    When it seems there is nothing in life to be celebrated, that's the time to start celebrating even the smallest thing that seems to be going right! How about celebrating the fact that the sun has risen today, without us having to ask for it, pray for it, struggle and strive to make it appear?  […]
  • Tue. October 31st, 2023 | Thoughts on how we create our reality
    All religions and all scriptures teach us that God has no beginning and no end.  That is true, even if difficult to accept by the human mind which is only aware of a reality where everything has a beginning and an end.  So there always was the pure immaterial consciousness that we have called God, […]
  • Tue. October 17th, 2023 | True healing vs. healing
    There are many definitions of healing and many ways to do it, but what we don’t very often think about is its mental component. Healing is not just getting rid of a condition we don’t like. If we want to stop the essence of that condition from re-appearing, we must radically transform our view of […]
  • Tue. October 3rd, 2023 | Trust life don’t judge it
    Whatever you think you have too much of, or not enough of, if you can trust that Life, all-pervading, immortal good, is always conspiring for your highest and greatest good, simply because you are part of Life, which would never act against any part of Itself, then you would not judge yourself.  And in that […]
  • Tue. September 19th, 2023 | Sense of individuality
    Our sense of individuality becomes our identification and creates our experience. Our journey in this world is meant for us to uncover who and what we are as.
  • Tue. September 5th, 2023 | Shifting your perspective is possible
    Even if your life right now seems hopeless, and you can’t find a single redeeming feature in it making you happy, you can still shift your perspective.
  • Tue. August 22nd, 2023 | Life is good
    Life is good! Life is abundant! Life is harmony and every so-called "good" quality of Source Energy is flowing all the time through and around us and all Nature, but why do we feel that we are always lacking something? Lacking love, health, prosperity, all the things we want?  In a nutshell, it's because we […]
  • Tue. August 8th, 2023 | Discernment is a great quality
    When asking for guidance, or wanting to know what our soul wants for us, rather than what our ego wants, and having all kinds of thoughts about it, we need to have discernment as to which to choose as our truth.  Knowing what your soul wants can be tricky, since usually, it doesn’t speak to […]
  • Tue. July 25th, 2023 | Obstacles dissolve as you change your perception
    Mostly we equate "abundance" with having a lot of money.  But really, it's far more than that.  It's having a lot of anything, good, bad or indifferent.  But what we have an abundance of is determined by our overall vibration; and  also by our ability to receive; because unless we are open to receiving, whatever […]
  • Tue. July 11th, 2023 | If God is ever-present good, why is there evil?
    When we see conflict, disagreement, destruction, discord being perpetrated, we start wondering if there even is a God? what we don't see is the tremendous spiritual Light that is pushing the negativity to the surface where it can be transmuted through the higher awareness of conscious beings who realize that those who act destructively are […]
  • Tue. June 27th, 2023 | You are never really stuck, or blocked
    So many of us want to move forward with their life, but say and feel that they are stuck, or that something is blocking them.  That may be their experience, but as expressions of Divinity Itself, we must realize this cannot be true.   Divinity is never stuck, it is always and forever maintaining and sustaining […]
  • Tue. June 13th, 2023 | We influence the Quantum Field
    A lot is being said these days about the Quantum Field and the Void, and they are not really a different thing; simply the Void can be considered as the deepest part, the center so to speak, of the Quantum Field. It is the part beyond our physical reality, beyond the 3D dimension we live […]
  • Tue. May 30th, 2023 | Seeking Protection from the world
    It seems like there is a lot we want to protect ourselves from these days, and not only the physical stuff, but also things like negative energies that seem to be floating around in our 3D world. Negative energies have a low (slow) vibration, and the very best thing we can do to not attract […]
  • Tue. May 16th, 2023 | Awareness of what’s happening is critical
    Presently your life is solidified, or crystallized in a certain pattern. You may be happy with it, or not so much. Usually, we all desire for it to become better, to go to a higher level of happiness, of productivity, peacefulness, and harmony. The whole world is raising its frequency now and we need to […]
  • Tue. May 2nd, 2023 | Releasing control and limitations
    What's going on in the world right now is a macrocosm representation of our microcosm struggle as individuals.  But in order for the world to succeed in shaking off the tight control the Powers-That-Be are exerting over individuals, institutions, corporations, all the various systems of control, we as individuals need to release the limitations and […]
  • Tue. April 18th, 2023 | Your Guides love you,  unconditionally.
    We have been told over and over again that we are far more than we know, and yet we don't really feel that we are anymore than this human personality experiencing life with our 5 senses that so often tell us we are not good enough, inadequate, a failure, and whatever else is floating in […]
  • Tue. April 4th, 2023 | The importance of the words we use
    Ascension is not about our physical bodies being taken to some higher realm of existence, but it's about us raising our consciousness to match the consciousness of Spirit, the Quantum Field all around us, that is so much more evolved than the consciousness our planet has been immersed in for thousands and thousands of years.  […]
  • Tue. March 21st, 2023 | Acceleration is neutral
    We tend to see everything that happens through the lens of our preferences, meaning as either "good" or "bad". And yet, this not true of energy, because energy just "is" what it is, and allows us to use it in whatever ways we choose. It is our consciousness that is the director of energy and […]
  • Tue. March 7th, 2023 | Don’t despair about a difficult lifetime
    There are many of us who have chosen paths in this life that seem so much more difficult than some others we see. The first thing to realize, we are all unique, so it does no good to compare ourselves to others, whatever area of life we are looking at, because we tend to always […]
  • Tue. February 21st, 2023 | Gratitude is a powerful frequency
    Thankfulness is something that we have all been taught since childhood; when a gift has been given, we say "Thank you".  Sometimes, especially when the gift is not exactly what we wanted, the words said did not come from the feeling in the heart; our feeling was disappointment.  Had we shifted our perception from the […]
  • Tue. February 7th, 2023 | Change Yourself – not the world!
    What we see happening in the world is the struggle between the old awareness of how the world works, and the new, more spiritual awareness that has been coming in since the 1960's and really accelerated as from 2012 and the 2019-2020 challenging years.  Communication around the world, which has been slow, mainly by written […]
  • Tue. January 31st, 2023 | Your vibration brings forth a matching response from the universe
    The Universe is so set up that it reflects back to you the essence of what you are feeling in any given moment - not necessarily the same circumstances. So if you are feeling fearful of the future, it will reflect back your fear in the current circumstances that are now yours. If you are […]
  • Tue. January 17th, 2023 | What you focus on manifests
    We have been made in the image and likeness of God, and God has created everything in existence from the energy that is God - and so, we also are creators. Not on the scale of creating Universes, but on the scale of creating our own experiences in our own world on earth. We are […]
  • Tue. January 3rd, 2023 | Difficult Lifetimes are chosen
    If you have had an exceptionally difficult life, and are wondering, "What did I do wrong, to be punished in this way?" You can let go of that idea. On the contrary, it is the most advanced spiritual beings, who have experienced and overcome many challenges on their journey to an enlightened state, that volunteer […]
  • Tue. December 20th, 2022 | Focus on Love and Gratitude
    This may seem like a tall order, given the "news" we are being bombarded with in the media. It would seem like there is nothing good at all happening in the world, but if we stop and think for just a minute, there are so many good things happening, without us being in the least […]
  • Tue. December 6th, 2022 | It is time to change our beliefs about ourselves
    We have been told over and over we are not who we think we are, which means we are not our body, not our thoughts, sensations, or personality, but that we are Spirit, we are Consciousness, we are a part of God, which is nice as a theory, but then, we don't live as if […]
  • Tue. November 22nd, 2022 | Life is made up of challenges and joys
    Life on this planet is in duality; which means that from the original oneness in which we lived as Adam and Eve before the fall, one with the Creator, one with everything that was created, now there were two, so everything had its opposite, like the two ends of a stick, or two faces of […]
  • Tue. November 8th, 2022 | Physical issues and pain
    I believe I can safely assume that we all, without exception, have some issue, pain or discomfort in the body. When it comes from some external cause, like a little stone in your shoe, or a stick poking you in the back, we don't think twice about it, we set about removing the cause of […]
  • Tue. October 25th, 2022 | What does it take to evolve?
    We are always evolving, whether we know it or not. But evolution, when it's unconscious is slow and laborious, while it can be made more rapid and easier with conscious intention applied to it. Which means that you not only say the words that trigger your intention to change something in your reality, but also, […]
  • Tue. October 11th, 2022 | We are in charge of our own Destiny
    It may not seem like we are in charge of our life, but that is because we have given the power we actually have to others, whether it's to our parents, teachers, boss, or the Government in exchange for some small portion of safety, security, comfort, or less responsibility for ourselves. And those that now […]
  • Tue. September 27th, 2022 | How grateful can we be?
    As children, we are taught to say "thank you" when we receive a gift, or a kind word, and that indicates our gratitude.   But we are not often taught to deeply feel that gratitude, or even to feel grateful not for the object we receive, but more importantly, for the fact that the person […]
  • Tue. September 13th, 2022 | Be kind to Yourself!
    We are not used to appreciating ourselves for who we are, and everything we do. This is termed egotistical, arrogant, or even narcissistic by those around us, who do not realize who they really are, and who you really are.  But if you know who you really are, not just as  your body and personality, […]
  • Tue. August 30th, 2022 | Hard work concept
    We have all been told that in order to amount to something, make something of our lives, earn enough money, be happy…, we need to work hard.  Most of us don't like the idea of hard work, it has a certain heaviness and lack of joy around it, we like things to happen easily, joyfully […]
  • Tue. August 16th, 2022 | Shadow work vs. raising vibration
    There is much talk about how to deal with shadows, and while we are in the physical, relative, 3-D world we all have shadows, which are simply our negative judgements of some absolute, Divine quality that is good.  In the relative realm every energy, or quality or thing is on a sliding scale or spectrum […]
  • Tue. August 2nd, 2022 | Finding solutions to problems
    We have been told that the solution to every problem is already inherent in the problem itself. Which is true, but not the whole truth.   Because the solutions to problems have always been found by some innovative thinkers, inventors, inspired individuals.  Where did these new and unprecedented ideas come from to be expressed, usually […]
  • Tue. July 19th, 2022 | Attaining Mastery
    We all want to attain Mastery, the only question remaining is, Mastery of what? Of your thoughts, your body, your life? But all of that is evolving all the time, it's never static, one moment you think you have it, when your experience is happy, pleasant, exactly what you would wish - and the next […]
  • Tue. July 5th, 2022 | Feeling alone or disconnected
    Many people, as they progress on the spiritual path, as they raise their vibration, start feeling disconnected, or alone, they no longer enjoy what they are doing, because they seem to lose the friends they had, and nothing in their life is as it was before. That's a natural process, since they wanted to move […]
  • Tue. June 21st, 2022 | Creating beneficial change
    In order to create more beneficial changes in your life, the practice of gratitude is unparalleled. There are so many things that we can be grateful for, and yet, for many people, coming up with just three things seems difficult. That's because they think it has to be some great, colossal, life-changing thing, before the […]
  • Tue. June 7th, 2022 | Our perception is what truly matters!
    It is time to really look at what we are being shown in the news, social media, and other avenues of information, and to become clear on what we personally can do about it, or how to neutralize it, so it cannot affect our energy field and consequently, our life.  What's in the news are […]
  • Tue. May 24th, 2022 | Count your blessings.
    Things are moving at such a pace now, that we never have the opportunity to reflect on what were the gifts that we have received in the past months and years? What were the unexpected blessings, in the midst of all the other painful and disruptive circumstances? We can all easily think of all the […]
  • Tue. May 10th, 2022 | Following your intuition.
    Intuition can come to you in many different ways, depending on your individual make-up. Some people call it your gut-feeling, others call it the inner knowing, or they see images in their mind's eye.  It can be just a feeling you have that you should, or should not, do what is in front of you.   […]
  • Tue. April 26th, 2022 | What’s your definition of happiness?
    Believe it or not, how you define happiness, or for that matter, success has a lot to do with whether you actually achieve it or not, in the long term!  What's the one thing that will make you feel happy and successful? Or even the several things, that if you get them or achieve them, […]
  • Tue. April 12th, 2022 | The most effective prayer
    There are many instances when we would like to know the answer to a question in the forefront of our lives in order to resolve a dilemma, to heal a trauma, to restore balance or improve our health. But what's going on in our minds is, "I don't know why I am getting those migraines!" […]
  • Tue. March 29th, 2022 | Creating our reality is ongoing
    The Law Of Attraction leads us to believe that we create what we wish to have or experience when we think about it, add feelings to the thoughts and when we consistently come back to those thoughts and feelings, it just manifests. And that is true, but it's not all the truth. Why do we […]
  • Tue. March 15th, 2022 | Our life is our creation.
    We may not think that we have created everything in our reality, but nevertheless, that is the truth. Neale Donald Walsch has illustrated that beautifully in his book, The little Soul and the Sun" which could be considered a children's book, but is really profound when you apply the insights to your own difficulties in […]
  • Tue. March 1st, 2022 | Creating a new way of living
    As conscious beings, we strive to improve ourselves and improve our circumstances, so that we can live happier lives, be present for our family and friends, and for a lot of us, also strive to help others in many ways. When we think we've reached a certain level of happiness or fulfillment, and our lives […]
  • Tue. February 15th, 2022 | A Celebration of Courage and Core Values
    Today, I want to share a beautiful story about an incident that recently happened at the March for Freedom in Ottawa.  It was reported on some social media like Tweet or Tic-Toc or something - which I don't follow, so it was recounted to me verbally.  It brings tears of joy to my eyes every […]
  • Tue. February 1st, 2022 | You can live your dreams!
    Your dreams and desires are yours, uniquely yours, and no one but you know exactly what they are and how they make you feel.  Your soul wants them for you also, and so you have the power to manifest them.  But when they are not supported by others, we often tend to abandon them, influenced […]
  • Tue. January 18th, 2022 | You don’t have to like things in order to love them free
    Love is a word that we use all the time, and in very many situations, but real love, which means Universal or Unconditional love, is an energy, not a feeling.  And we are being called now to make that distinction.  To look at the highest aspects of Love, not the lower ones, which can be […]
  • Tue. January 4th, 2022 | Gratitude can be lodged in the most unlikely places
    This year 2022 is a year where we need to make decisions on how we wish our life to unfold.  We all know, deep down, that we create our reality, but often, since our reality is not what we wish it to be, we fall back into "I couldn't have created this, because it's just […]
  • Tue. December 21st, 2021 | We are here to love others, and change ourselves
    Knowing we are Spiritual beings, we do our best to become more like Spirit is, we pray and meditate, watch our thoughts and behaviors, strive to be the best version of ourselves possible.  And we effect real change in ourselves, some of our habits shift to better ones, we have more positive responses to circumstances […]
  • Tue. December 7th, 2021 | The Gift of Choice gives us Opportunity
    The meaning we give to words have the ability to limit us, or expand us. The dictionary defines "acceptance" as receiving, believing, assenting or approving. But it completely forgets another, very important meaning of the word, which is "acknowledgment".  Acknowledgement, or recognition of what is happening, or has happened, is a much more empowering word, […]
  • Tue. November 23rd, 2021 | Gratitude is a way of Life
    Being thankful when you are given a gift, or a friend or stranger helps you, is what we are taught since childhood, and of course is the right thing to do, but there is an arc to gratitude, just there is an arc to prayer, an arc to Giving, an arc to the Law of […]
  • Tue. November 9th, 2021 | Become the Master of Ascension energies, not their victim!
    Ascension energies are being mentioned a lot these days, and mostly, being blamed for all manner of symptoms people are experiencing in their bodies. I want to bring a little clarity into the whole subject, and a little more objectivity. First of all, the word "ascension" itself means going to a higher place, or a […]
  • Tue. October 26th, 2021 | Some fears are healthy and legitimate, some are pseudo-fears
       There is a lot of fear these days, fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear of the economy collapsing, fear of the virus, fear of the vaccine, fear of the new strains of the virus, and every time any fear comes up, it generates an even stronger vibration of fear and anxiety.  […]
  • Tue. October 12th, 2021 | Liking change is not a requirement
    Nobody can deny that we live on a constant roller-coaster of change, and some people are on board with those changes, while others are not.  Some people want to move forward into realities that are unprecedented, that have never been tried before. Some people fear them, saying we don't know what the outcome will be, […]
  • Tue. September 28th, 2021 | The things we feel and say are more important than we realize!
    There are many changes happening, and we don't much like having to change our ways of doing things, and our ways of being, so the first reaction we have is thinking it's inconvenient, uncomfortable, in one word, bad! And we start commenting on it, detailing all the aspects of it that are not as good […]
  • Tue. September 14th, 2021 | We always have choice as to what we think and feel
    As human beings, we are conditioned to think that our happiness is dependent on the material things we can get or possess.  And on the material level of our being, that's really good, it teaches us how to live and thrive in the world we have been born into and have to live in, until […]
  • Tue. August 31st, 2021 | We are never alone
    Loneliness is so often part of our life, for whatever reason.  It could be because of a loved one that has made the change, or a child that has gone to the other side of the world because of a job, or marriage; it could be a child who no longer wishes to have contact […]
  • Tue. August 17th, 2021 | What is healing
    Question: I have constant chronic pain, and am doing what I can to heal it, to accept it and Idon’t feel resistance. But how does the pain ever end? If I accept it, it just stays, and nevergoes away? Now to answer your question.  I would challenge your words I don't feel resistance. If youhad […]
  • Tue. August 3rd, 2021 | What’s most helpful when life happens.
    Your soul had a divine plan for why it incarnated and what was to be accomplished through you in this lifetime. But life happens, you get emotionally bruised, physically hurt and harmed and you forget you have a Spirit within you, always guiding you through your challenges and problems to become more like Itself. To […]
  • Tue. July 20th, 2021 | Triggers are great opportunities
    So many of us wish we didn't have all those painful, sad, or upsetting emotions coming up when we see something that we don't like, or get told a story of despair and hopelessness. We tend to think I was okay before I saw that, or before they told me that, and I wish I […]
  • Tue. July 6th, 2021 | The secret to Freedom and fulfillment
    We are all, on some level, seeking freedom and fulfillment. And we feel that if only this happened, or that came to pass, if only we could achieve this or that, if only those people would act differently, then we would be free, or fulfilled.   Forgetting that freedom and fulfillment are qualities of the […]
  • Tue. June 22nd, 2021 | Going shopping can become a blessing opportunity
    Today, I went shopping and was standing at the parking-ticket machine behind amasked man who was (unsuccessfully!) trying to punch out the numbers of his license-plate. We were outside, in the open, it was a beautiful sunny day with a soft breezeblowing. I knew a mask would be needed to go into the store, so […]
  • Tue. June 8th, 2021 | Raising your vibration
    These days, we hear a lot about raising our vibration to access a higher reality, maybe to improve our relationships, our health, any aspect of our life. And it is true, it does help in those areas where we feel we are lacking, or inadequate. But what is vibration, and how do we raise it […]
  • Tue. May 25th, 2021 | Stepping into Aquarian age.
    I subscribe to the hope-fulness of the times we are living in.  Because where your vibration is, there you are, and as you raise yourself up the vibrational scale, from depression, unworthiness, fear, insecurity, anger, blame, doubt, overwhelm, pessimism, boredom, to tolerance, contentment, hopefulness, positive expectation, enthusiasm, joy, empowerment, gratitude and love, you become happier.  […]
  • Tue. May 11th, 2021 | Supporting our Immune System
    Today, I feel called to speak regarding all the fears that we have around energies that are not beneficial like the 5G, viruses that are attacking us like Covid 19, and any number of other fears that we have that are simply stressing us, lowering our immune systems, and making us more and more vulnerable […]
  • Tue. April 27th, 2021 | Achieving Contentment
    Happiness is what we all seek, but usually, that has to do with only the outer circumstance of our life, and our physical body.  Contentment is a different energy, and while it does have something to do with outer circumstances, it also has a spiritual perspective.   Ultimate contentment doesn’t come from circumstances at all, but […]
  • Tue. April 13th, 2021 | Angels in training is who we are
    We depict Angels with wings, symbolizing their ability to reach higher realms than the common mortals we seem to be can attain.  We also think of them as genderless, but what if they were actually beings with both the masculine and feminine polarities perfectly balanced?  Our depictions of them have nothing to do with their […]
  • Tue. March 30th, 2021 | The Mediavirus is now known!
    At the end of the chaotic year 2020, and entering a New Year, I would like to add a littleperspective on what has actually been happening in the last months. And ask a fewquestions, which we would do well to ask ourselves, on occasion. We have beenattacked by a virus more lethal that the Corona, […]
  • Tue. March 16th, 2021 | What actually is illusion
    Many people have said many things about what an illusion is. Sometimes they have even said that this life is an illusion, because we have a higher, spiritual life, or the body is an illusion, it doesn't really exist! But life, and our bodies in this dimension really exist, and so do all the things […]
  • Tue. March 2nd, 2021 | There are reasons for our aches and pains
    When we get a pain in our knee or neck or back, or even when we catch the 'flu or a cold, the reason underlying all other apparent reasons may very well be emotional, and not just a virus floating around.  Whatever your current symptom is, just check and see, by muscle-testing, whether there is […]
  • Tue. February 16th, 2021 | Practicing Deep Gratitude
    Gratitude is not simply saying "thank you" when someone has done something for you,or given you a gift. When you say the words without actually feeling the feeling ofgratitude, you have not actually received the gift of being in a state of gratitude, which isfar greater than any physical gift or service you may have […]
  • Tue. February 2nd, 2021 | Life, and life’s challenges are on spiral
    There are certain themes that play out in our life, and some of the most common ones are betrayal, abandonment, sadness and grief, and they will not all look the same to different people, since we are unique and have had very different life experiences.  When we seem to have similar challenges come back again […]
  • Tue. January 19th, 2021 | Healing is no longer what it used to be
    Until recently, when we needed healing, we went to a practitioner, whether doctor, naturopath, or energy healer and expected them to do the healing for us. That used to work, but is working less and less now. Not to mention the new viruses that seem to come from nowhere, but I believe are created by […]
  • Tue. January 5th, 2021 | Awareness is the key to a happier life.
    So many of us live a life that is mostly unconscious!  That's the #1 reason why we lose our keys, why we forget appointments, why we don't remember to pay the electricity bill on time and then find ourselves in the dark or unable to make a cup of coffee. We seem to lose control […]
  • Tue. December 29th, 2020 | Set New Year’s intentions rather than goals
    Maybe it's time now to re-visit the New Year's resolution that you have set for yourself this year. Have you written it down?  And have you been keeping your attention on it so far? And kept doing what you need to be doing, for it to become reality? And if your resolutions have kind of […]
  • Tue. December 22nd, 2020 | Material things will never be enough.
    Because we are not a physical body, but a Spirit clothed in that body, physical things will never be completely satisfying. We have been getting material things for years and however much we loved having them at first, soon it has proved not enough, and we want something else, something more, something better. Like wanting […]
  • Tue. December 8th, 2020 | Forgiveness can become automatic.
    Most of us have struggled with forgiving wrongs that we have suffered at the hands of others and wanted to get back at them in one way or another.  At the very least, we secretly hoped that the same would happen to them, or that God, by whatever name we call the divine, would punish […]
  • Tue. November 24th, 2020 | Do we really have free will?
    Our ability to choose our actions, what we want to do in life, is our most precious attribute; without it, we feel we are a slave to what other people want from us, or want us to do.  We've always been told we have free will, but very often, we seem to be doing not […]
  • Tue. November 10th, 2020 | Social distancing objectors Oyez!
    So many are being angered by the confinement measures that are physically being imposed on them, without realizing that it is our consciousness of separation from each other, and separation from the Earth itself, that is the true cause of the COVID-19 virus and the resulting measures that we are taking to stop its spread. […]
  • Tue. October 27th, 2020 | To heal the world, heal the conflict inside.
    How often do we find ourselves triggered or upset by the views and beliefs of others? Every time it happens, we are setting ourselves up in opposition to someone else, we are fueling a "fight" energy instead of fueling a "peace" energy. When we understand that fighting against anything has never resolved any issue, then […]
  • Mon. October 19th, 2020 | The Power of Forgiveness. An interview to Jania Aebi by Christine Kloser.
    Tune in and listen to Christine and Jania discuss: Jania’s incredible journey – emotional, physical, and spiritual to get to where she needed to be to write her transformational books. The importance of letting go, surrendering, and allowing. How forgiveness can free your highest expression. A perfect example of how one author’s story can touch […]
  • Tue. October 13th, 2020 | Turn around your upsets
    If you are presently being triggered by things happening outside of you, whether it's people or situations, or people creating situations, world events, family dynamics, neighborhood disagreements, noise of heavy machines, whatever the bother is - your reaction, your emotion around it basically has  two main causes.  It's either asking you to look back on your own life, to see where you've had a […]
  • Tue. September 29th, 2020 | How can we heal chronic pain?
    When we have constant chronic pain, and are all the time engaged in trying to heal it, that's absolutely normal, but also shows us we're in resistance to it, and all of our attention is concentrated on the issue we have, which in part, is what's keeping it in place. Whatever you focus on, you […]
  • Tue. September 15th, 2020 | Having the right perception makes things easier
    In spite of all appearances, I want to give some hope to those who are thinking and feeling and saying that everything is disintegrating, that nothing works as it used to any more, that human nature will never change and so we will be having more war and conflict and terrorism added to the natural […]
  • Fri. September 4th, 2020 | Wisdom Week Live with Jania Aebi – A Path to Create Miracles.
    An interview by Martin McNicholl
  • Tue. September 1st, 2020 | Thoughts- where do they come from?
    Have you ever wondered where your thoughts come from? We would like to think they are ours, or that they come from Spirit, that part of us that is infinite goodness and perfection, but when we start examining them one by one, we realize that is impossible, because they don't look or feel like infinite […]
  • Tue. August 18th, 2020 | Our attention brings to us experiences
    Putting our attention on something, is what tells the Universe that's what we are interested in, that's what we desire, and the Universe is designed to fulfill our every wish, just like the genie in the bottle! So first, be mindful to not put your attention on the things that you don't want! And this […]
  • Tue. August 4th, 2020 | It would be a mistake to underestimate the importance of these times
    We have been living, for the past weeks in truly unprecedented times, and those times have really started at the beginning of this year 2020 and the start of a new decade. If we think that the pandemic we are experiencing is just about our health, and getting rid of the virus, we have not […]
  • Tue. July 21st, 2020 | Soulful living
    What has been coming to me of late, especially in the last few days, is that mostly, we have thoughts of how we are not showing up, how we are not good enough, how we're not doing the real work we need to be doing, and that doesn't mean your job which is paying your […]
  • Tue. July 7th, 2020 | The Power of Commitment.
    It’s important to have intentions for how you want your life to unfold, and then establish regular reminders to put that intention into practice. When you get the reminder, it really is best to carry it out immediately, before you get side-tracked by whatever activity you happen to be engaged in. I have created an […]
  • Tue. June 16th, 2020 | Energy healing essentials
    Today I want to share with you some new understandings I've had about energy healing. We all know that there are new and potent energies coming to us, allowing access to far more power that we've had in previous years, decades and hundreds of years; power that can be used for the betterment and enhancement […]
  • Tue. June 2nd, 2020 | What do we want our lives to be, in the future?
    For some, the period of "after the pandemic" is starting, with the re-opening of shops and children going back to school. But the virus is still around, and we can still catch it, so taking the necessary precautions is just as necessary as before. Our mental and emotional preparedness for the next days, weeks, months, […]
  • Sun. May 24th, 2020 | Reflections on the quarantine.
    Apart from the very real hardships many people are enduring in these times, physical, emotional and economic, and these are not to be minimized, but there is also a great spiritual opportunity that is being revealed, and that is the possibility of liberating ourselves from the constraints of waiting, and time. Because we are forever […]
  • Tue. May 19th, 2020 | About polarization, fight or flight.
    There is so much polarization going in the world right now, so much blaming, so much conflict - and not necessarily war, but conflict of ideas, what's right, what's wrong, and people not wanting to let go of their ideas of what should, of shouldn't be done, that we all need to take step back, […]
  • Mon. May 4th, 2020 | What unites us…
    We have been told many times that what unites us as humans is far greater than what divides us, and that is true. We are all expressions of the One Source of all life and the difference in our appearance are not fundamental differences. Fundamentally, we are made of one energy, and even if we […]
  • Tue. April 21st, 2020 | No virus will be able to attach itself to you when you vibrate at that high level.
    After a whole month of feeling like our whole world is falling apart, that we can no longer do things like we used to, and yet, where are we now? We're still alive, still functioning, we've realized that not giving a hug to our friends doesn't "unfriend" them, we can still extend our love by […]
  • Fri. April 3rd, 2020 | New habits are now building
    We have now had about 21 days of establishing a new "normal" for our lives, having to self-quarantine, having our children, spouse or partner at home all the time, and that can be stressful. But with the right frame of mind and a lot of patience, it can also be a way to have a […]
  • Thu. March 19th, 2020 | Focus on what you desire, not on the fear of not having it.
    In the times of crisis we are now living, it is really important to take the time to reflect on what must we change within ourselves in order to still live a life of empowerment and joy, even when we see some of our structures crumbling around us. Because the only thing we can change, […]
  • Tue. March 10th, 2020 | Gil Zelitzky & Catherine Marienau interview Jania Aebi.
    Women over 70. Aging Reimagined - Podcast Tune in and listen this heartfelt interview of Jania Aebi by podcast host Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau. In this episode of "WOMEN OVER 70. Aging Reimagined", Jania shares her life experience and her path of finding Life’s Purpose at 75, and how Forgiveness did become a powerful […]
  • Sun. March 1st, 2020 | Is wanting things even necessary?
    It seems like wanting things occupies our thoughts incessantly; it may be wanting material things, like the newest iPhone, or the trendiest outfit, or a bigger house, or more immaterial things, like success in business, certain aspects of character or abilities like confidence, trust, freedom, wisdom. Whatever it is, we always want something that we […]
  • Fri. February 14th, 2020 | How do I stop my partner from being so negative?
    The first thing with such a question, is that you can replace the word "partner" with any other word that is meaningful to you in the context of your life, and that could be husband, wife, friend, boss, colleague - even myself! And the next thing, is that you can never change anyone else, or […]
  • Thu. January 30th, 2020 | Heal the darkness that you perceive
    How do we, individually, help the issues we are seeing all around us, like the huge forest fires, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, climate changes, economies collapsing, potential wars or whatever newest disaster is being shown us on the news? Most people just go into fear, anxiety about our future, feeling horrified and sad about the loss […]
  • Wed. January 15th, 2020 | You can be free.
    You can be free. You are a unique way the energy that we call God is expressing all of Itself. So in one sense you are of the utmost importance because without the physical you, God's expression would be incomplete - and that is impossible, since energy is one and whole and cannot be divided […]
  • Tue. December 31st, 2019 | Live at 100% of your potential
    Live at 100% of your potential Ever since we came into this world as a being in form, a human being, our focus has been on who we appear to be, as seen with our eyes; and that has been reinforced by our upbringing, by what we are told to focus on in order to […]
  • Tue. December 17th, 2019 | Surrender.
    Surrender. So often, we resist surrendering, thinking that it somehow takes away our free will, is giving away our power and control, curtails our sovereignty and means just giving up and being a doormat.  That it means acquiescing to whatever happens. That is just not true. We think we are managing our lives, that we […]
  • Tue. December 3rd, 2019 | Finding our soul’s purpose.
    Finding our soul's purpose. For the most part, we start by thinking of our purpose in life as something we do: we are a business person, a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, electrician or plumber, but that is a job, a function we perform in order to have a comfortable life. We may even like […]
  • Sun. November 24th, 2019 | We matter
    A message for Thanksgiving Day. With the Thanksgiving celebrations now coming up in the US, it is time to pause our day-to-day thinking and focus on what we can be grateful for during the whole of the past year. We may not have given much thought to that, while busy with just living life and […]
  • Tue. November 5th, 2019 | Feeling connected does not make it so.
    Feeling connected does not make it so. Life is what it is in every passing moment and our thinking and feeling about how it is will never make it other than it is.  However, the way in which we perceive it makes all the difference in the world to our experience of it.  Have you […]
  • Tue. October 22nd, 2019 | Our life is just a dream.
    Our life is just a dream. One day I got to realize how our life is just like a dream; we are a concept in the mind of God, just as a dream is a concept in our sleeping state; where we are able to create experiences that are very real to us in the […]
  • Tue. October 8th, 2019 | Challenges have reasons, not causes.
    Challenges have reasons, not causes. When you have a disease, a physical pain, or any kind of an issue, whatever we think its cause is, it only has one core reason for existing, and that is, to make you pay attention.  To make you see that something in your mindset, your consciousness, needs to change, […]
  • Tue. September 24th, 2019 | Love is what makes the world go round.
    Love is what makes the world go round. Love has so many different aspects to it, that we get lost between the human aspects of romantic love, parental love, friendship, conditional love, tough love, which looks very different, and self-love, which we mostly forget about, because we think it means loving our human personality, with […]
  • Tue. September 10th, 2019 | Are we procrastinators, and why?
    Are we procrastinators, and why? Most people I know, including myself, procrastinate with things they need to do, have to do, even want to do, and sometimes never get them done. This can be a good thing, or a bad thing.  It depends on where your procrastination stems from, and how much guidance you hear. […]
  • Tue. August 27th, 2019 | How you feel is crucial.
    How you feel is crucial. How you feel about what's happening, is crucial to your well-being.  Whether it happens in your family, in your workplace, or in the world makes no difference. Whether it happens because of what you said or did, or someone else said or did, makes no difference. It is your viewpoint […]
  • Tue. August 13th, 2019 | Let your emotions move and clear!
    Let your emotions move and clear! The reason for many of our diseases, aches and pains is unprocessed energy that has become stuck and causes a distortion in our emotional body, which, over time, also impacts our physical body. Our life would be so much smoother and easier if we remembered to say thank you […]
  • Thu. August 8th, 2019 | Your vibration is important
    Why is your vibration important?The higher your vibration is, the smoother your life flows.We influence our vibration by the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel, and the things we do.-Jania Aebi. Music: Sei Mutsuki (Peritune).
  • Tue. July 30th, 2019 | Thoughts are just thoughts!
    Thoughts are just thoughts! Have you ever had thoughts that were swirling around in your mind and not letting you be at peace - and I mean disturbing thoughts, ones you would rather not have?  And you tried to think of something else, or started pushing them away and beating yourself up about having them? […]
  • Tue. July 16th, 2019 | What you think about, you bring about!
    What you think about, you bring about! Whatever appears in our life, we have brought into it, because nothing can come into our experience except through our consciousness.  And consciousness extends to our sub-conscious and super-conscious, and as human personalities, we are unaware of the content of those.   That's why things seem to happen […]
  • Tue. July 2nd, 2019 | When you don’t like it, flip it!
    When you don't like it, flip it! Everything we see or think has an opposite, and that bears remembering when we look at what is happening in the world today. Mostly, we are reacting to what we see or hear, which is like what we read in this poem, which I came across the other […]
  • Tue. June 18th, 2019 | Why do we have life?
    Why do we have life? We have all, at some point in life, asked ourselves what am I here for? What's the point of life? What am I here to do, why was I born? Every answer you have come up with, if it stays in the realm of material achievement, material manifestation, material having […]
  • Tue. June 4th, 2019 | Why is your vibration important.
    Why is your vibration important. The higher your vibration is, the smoother your life flows. That does not mean things don't happen to you – things will always happen! Rain will fall, trains and planes might be late or cancelled, there will be electricity failures and the food in your refrigerator will go bad before […]
  • Tue. May 21st, 2019 | You matter – your focus matters.
    You matter - your focus matters. What we all want for ourselves, is to live a life that is happy, joyful and abundant; and we are told that we create our reality, so why is it that when we wish for a life without any worries, it's not manifesting?  Things always happen that throw us […]
  • Tue. May 7th, 2019 | Can we say NO to others?
    Can we say NO to others? Are you a person who is never able to authentically say "no" when you feel you don't want to do what they're asking?  Because you are afraid of hurting their feelings, because they will be sad, or angry, or accuse you of being selfish, uncaring, or reject you?  So […]
  • Tue. April 23rd, 2019 | Conditions don’t determine well-being.
    Conditions don't determine well-being. How do you feel today?  And why do you feel the way you're feeling? Take a moment to reflect on those questions.  Maybe you're feeling upset, angry, and resentful, or maybe you are happy, peaceful, or allowing about your circumstances. Now, why are you feeling like this?  Because your body is […]
  • Tue. April 9th, 2019 | De-cluttering your desk de-clutters your mind.
    De-cluttering your desk de-clutters your mind. Are you mostly peaceful, focused and happy? Or are you the sort of person that is habitually overwhelmed, scattered, anxious or in some level of fear that you're not going to manage, there's too much to do, that nothing works? Last week, I noticed that I've been so focused […]
  • Tue. March 26th, 2019 | Having faith matters; what we have faith in is crucial.
    Having faith matters; what we have faith in is crucial. Having faith is the same mechanism as having belief.  Only we usually apply having faith to religious beliefs, while having belief is more on the material plane.  Having faith really means having an absolute knowing about something that you can't be shaken out of; a […]
  • Wed. March 20th, 2019 | My purpose. Your purpose.
    Are you choosing to live your purpose?
  • Tue. March 12th, 2019 | Lucky breaks are miracles
    Lucky breaks are miracles The other day I forgot to add a meeting I was to have to my calendar, and so at the appointed time, didn't call.  They phoned me, so I immediately connected via Internet, but being flustered by the whole thing, didn't take the time to do my usual process with Internet, […]
  • Tue. February 26th, 2019 | Problems are negative perceptions of what is.
    Problems are negative perceptions of what is. Say you have the problem: your boss is not validating your work, and that makes you afraid of losing your job, erodes your confidence, makes you feel unsafe and maybe confused or a failure. And it's really those feelings that make you feel tense and insecure; if you […]
  • Mon. February 18th, 2019 | Perceptions create experiences
    Do you know that perceptions create our experiences? How we perceive a thing or a situation has nothing to do, really, with the actual thing we’re looking at.
  • Tue. February 12th, 2019 | Perceptions create experiences.
    Perceptions.- How we perceive a thing or a situation has nothing to do, really, with the actual thing we're looking at. You're in a forest, looking at a tree and you see the strong trunk supporting branches covered in leaves, providing shelter for a bird's nest and baby birds chirping in it and you're filled […]
  • Tue. January 29th, 2019 | The Purpose of Life.
    The Purpose of Life. How I experience what I see out in the world shows me how much my vision differs from God’s vision. God’s vision is all beauty, harmony, joy, peace, infinity and eternality; so everything I see gives me an opportunity to check it against God-qualities I know, to see whether the appearance […]
  • Tue. January 15th, 2019 | Circulate to receive.
    Circulate to receive. To receive, first circulate. There is a Law of Circulation to life on this planet, just as there is a Law of Gravity, of Buoyancy, of Electricity, and if we live in accordance with those laws, they are helpful; but if we live counter to them, bad things will result. We have […]
  • Tue. January 1st, 2019 | Believe in yourself.
    You are here because of a need. Everything around you that you see is here because there is a need for it, and you are no exception. Everything is in service to the life around it, in many various ways, and also receives from its environment. The apple tree receives nourishment from the earth, light […]
  • Fri. December 21st, 2018 | Martin McNicholl interviews Transformational Healer, author and coach Jania Aebi
    In this interview by Martin McNicholl, Jania shares her life path and how she found her deep calling. Jania talks also about the power of surrender and the deep way to forgiveness. The original video was streamed via FB on Martin's page and you can find it here: Books by Jania Aebi
  • Tue. December 18th, 2018 | To succeed, take control of your thoughts
    We don't truly realize that our thoughts become what manifests in our life, for two reasons. First, because it's not only our thoughts that matter, it's also, and mainly, the feelings that arise from our thoughts. Thoughts, without the feelings that give them life, don’t have power. Secondly, since there is a time-lag between what […]
  • Tue. December 4th, 2018 | Know what you really want, to achieve it
    That's a statement that most of us would reject out of hand, as untrue. But do we really know what we want? Yes, you will say, of course I do! I want a new car, an amazing loving relationship with the partner of my dreams, I want a healthy and beautiful body, or a bigger […]
  • Tue. November 20th, 2018 | How to live an allowing life
    The very first thing to do if we want a great life is to believe in it, in the face of everything that says we can't. And the second thing is, to take the steps necessary to make it a reality. We are an expression of the all-knowing and all-powerful God – and we can […]
  • Tue. November 6th, 2018 | Forgiveness exists only at the material level
    At the bottom of every wish to forgive, there is always a hurt, some harm done to you, your close family, or on a wider perspective, harm done to people you don’t even know. There is some wounding. Without spiritual awareness, a sense of being more than just a physical personality, it would not be […]
  • Tue. October 23rd, 2018 | A Love message from God
    I had a conversation recently where someone wanted help with how to stop their compulsive thinking. She was recounting all the issues in her life, analyzing it all, the why and the how and the when; and with hardly a pause for breath going into a spiritual by-pass, I know that God is good and […]
  • Tue. October 9th, 2018 | Why do I always have problems?
    Just recently, this question was asked of me, and I almost had to smile; because the answer lies within the question. We have continual problems because we focus on problems and project them into our future. I am not denying problems exist, because they do. But how much of the time we spend on re-hashing […]
  • Tue. September 25th, 2018 | Transforming ourselves is the key to transforming the world
    When things on the outside look like they are getting worse and when seemingly, there is nothing we can do to make them better, that's when it's important to remember that outside circumstances can only be changed by changing ourselves on the inside, first. The outside world is a mirror reflecting our internal state of […]
  • Tue. September 11th, 2018 | Release all blame
    It was a rainy day, very cold, and I was walking to my bus stop. 100 meters away I could see a billboard with blue seas, brilliant sunshine and palm trees on a golden beach, well-worth stopping to look at with longing. Actually, there was someone right in front of it, obviously wishing they were […]
  • Tue. August 28th, 2018 | Bring meditation into everyday life
    Have an intention for meditating: to connect to the Real Inner Self, to cultivate a fundamental contentment with what is, to bring the peace and harmony you are feeling to others. There are many well-known benefits to meditation. It stills an over-active mind, reconnects us to our inner world, strengthens our focusing ability. Deep breathing […]
  • Tue. August 14th, 2018 | Happy weight-loss!
    What's your focus, as you go about your daily activities? What are you thinking about when you sort the laundry, do the dishes, or drive? Are your thoughts on a pressing problem that just arose, or about something you wish was different, or not there? If your habitual thoughts are on things you don't like, […]
  • Tue. July 31st, 2018 | Surrendering is not giving up
    Confusion arises when we hear we must surrender to what's happening, to what is. And it's true we may not be able to change what's happening, that things are going on all the time we can do nothing about. But that doesn't mean we are powerless. If we can't change the material appearance, there is […]
  • Tue. July 17th, 2018 | How to instantly become happier
    If life right now seems at its lowest ebb, if things seem to go wrong all the time, there is only one reason for it: your consciousness is not in alignment with your soul. Your attention is mostly, if not totally, on your experiences of lack, limitation, disease or poverty. Your soul which is divine, […]
  • Tue. July 3rd, 2018 | Manifestation made easy
    If truth be told, since the Universe always works for our highest good, we can only manifest things that are for our highest good – and we don't always know what that is. So trying to manifest a car, a better house, or a bigger paycheck – or even health for our body - sometimes […]
  • Tue. June 19th, 2018 | Our thoughts create
    I got really irritated the other day by the behavior of a colleague. As the morning progressed, I was feeling worse and worse every time I thought about our conversation over coffee. She wanted me to sympathize with her, and I was not ready to do that, I saw that if that's the way she […]
  • Tue. June 5th, 2018 | How important to you is your dream?
    When we have a desire, and set our intention on having something, the next logical step is of course doing something to achieve it. But most times, since we don't already have it, it's because we are waiting for something else to happen before we can actually go for it, and that looks like I […]
  • Tue. May 22nd, 2018 | A high vibration is your wealth
    Lack of money is impacting so many people now that we need to bring another perspective to that whole problem. Because whether we want to hear this or not, the Truth is that money is not wealth or abundance; money is just the evidence of it, and if you have little, or no money, it […]
  • Tue. May 8th, 2018 | Ego’s Ascension path
    What is ego? And why do human beings try to change it, transcend It, push it away, make it wrong? The ego is a most important aspect of us; without it, we could not survive in this world, but think that to be spiritual, we must abandon the world. Forgetting that the spiritual underlies, and […]
  • Tue. April 24th, 2018 | Be a Light!
    When we look at what's happening in the world on the global level, it seems as if things are getting worse before they get better – because they have to get better, since this is a world of continual change and when we are at rock-bottom, there is only one way to go, and that […]
  • Tue. April 10th, 2018 | The Path to manifestation
    The rules for manifesting your desires are simple: attention, intention, and action. First, become aware that spiritual wholeness and goodness is already here and in you; that is what is true about you. That closes the gap between a God up in Heaven and you down here, asking for your soul mate or finances, while […]
  • Wed. April 4th, 2018 | Be a Light
  • Tue. March 27th, 2018 | Reject nothing, accept everything
    Things are never perfect in this world, because they always change. However good they are, they are never perfect, because perfection is a principle that only exists in the absolute and invisible realm where nothing ever changes and everything is exactly as it is. Perfection is wholeness and completeness and goodness – not what you […]
  • Tue. March 13th, 2018 | Practicing Integrity
    A lack of integrity with the highest principles is the root cause of problems. A house that is lacking structural integrity will, at some point, start having problems. Even if the fault is very small, over time it will affect other parts and the problem will become bigger. The same is true of your life. […]
  • Tue. February 27th, 2018 | Raise your vibration even at your lowest ebb
    If you have a certain challenge, problem, disease or the situation seems hopeless, where it is really hard for you to feel that you are that infinitely powerful Spirit where no lack, limitation or disease can exist, here is a way to counteract your despondent thoughts that are not helping, and in fact, perpetuating the […]
  • Tue. February 13th, 2018 | Take charge of your attention
    Your intention for your day as you get up in the morning, and your attention throughout the day on the things that make you happy will determine the overall outcome of your day. Before you even get out of bed, say your intention for the emotions you want to experience today. Remember, you are not […]
  • Tue. January 30th, 2018 | We are creators!
    We are told we create our own reality, but how does that work when our reality is something we don’t like, that we would never have wanted for ourselves? The truth is, we only want what is beautiful, what is enjoyable, a quality that we consider good. We want a loving relationship, lots of money, […]
  • Tue. January 16th, 2018 | Thoughts vs Intuitions
    Every thought you have is your intuition speaking, but you have to be aware, and discriminate between whether a thought is a pure expression of Source energy, or whether it has been colored by your ego’s material desires. You don’t have to follow every thought you have, but if you recognize every thought as intuition, […]
  • Thu. January 11th, 2018 | Your Infinite Power. Jania’s New Book.
    Christine Kloser, Transformational Author Coach, presents Jania Aebi's new book "Your Infinite Power".
  • Tue. January 2nd, 2018 | Standing in your power made easy
    Bring to mind any problem, any issue you presently have and notice where it is situated. It is always in the human, physical realm. Whether it’s to do with your work, your family, your finances, your body, you will see it’s all to do with your material life. But you know you are more than […]
  • Tue. December 19th, 2017 | Holiday season challenges!
    Holidays, like Christmas or Thanksgiving are occasions when families get together to celebrate. You remember those occasions, when you were a child, joyful at the prospect of something more happening at home, a table laid with special food you never had on normal days, of seeing people you haven’t seen in a while, of having […]
  • Tue. November 21st, 2017 | How to live a fulfilled life
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 7/7 You are alive because God, or Source, has infused itself into the original cell in your mother’s womb. Without that life-force we call our soul, the coming together of your father and mother would never result in a baby which would grow into its own individuality. Nothing in […]
  • Tue. November 7th, 2017 | We don’t know what’s best
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 6/7 The sixth awareness never to forget is: We don’t know what’s best. We don’t know what’s best Even when you know that all the power of Spirit is within you, and you know that all your problems are designed and working together for your good, are you still […]
  • Tue. October 24th, 2017 | Life is a balancing act
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 5/7 Balance and flow are present everywhere in nature, and dysfunction occurs only when human beings interfere with the inherent harmony of nature. Night follows day; and even if sometimes nights get longer than days, then days get longer than nights, it all balances out at the end of […]
  • Tue. October 10th, 2017 | Problems are opportunities
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 4/7 We all have problems, whether big or small, and try to solve them as best we can, while immersed in the frequency of the problem. That’s an impossibility; because every problem has its own frequency it lives at. When your frequency matches, or is similar to the frequency […]
  • Tue. September 26th, 2017 | Know where you stand
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 3/7 Are you living your life from day to day, reacting to what shows up, or do you have a vision for your life, a big vision, towards which your day-to-day life is oriented? When you have a vision bigger than just doing your day-job, or buying a new […]
  • Tue. September 12th, 2017 | Developing Response-Ability
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 2/7 In the first awareness, you have realized you can use the two sides of your body, a metaphor for your human and spiritual self. Now you are identifying a little more with your expanded consciousness. It animates your body, is the intelligence of your cells which only need […]
  • Tue. August 29th, 2017 | Awareness determines experience
    7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 1/7 The person you are is determined first by your thoughts, that trigger your feelings, that make you act in a certain way. It is not outside circumstances that determine your feelings; they just bring up what was already in you, the patterns you have formed from early childhood, […]
  • Thu. August 17th, 2017 | Resistance can be good!
    “What you resist, persists” is a well-known adage. And it is true. But as with everything, there are many ways of doing it, and many mindsets from which resistance comes. There is resistance that says I don’t like this, why is this happening to me?! There is resistance that says I don’t like this, I don’t […]
  • Tue. August 1st, 2017 | Choosing turmoil, or peace?
    The world is in turmoil, you don’t have to be! What you feel when you hear of disasters, wars and discrimination due to race, religion, gender or whatever else, immediately shows you in which world you are choosing to live. If you feel fear, anxiety, despair, anger, helplessness, you are living in the old 3D […]
  • Tue. July 18th, 2017 | A life of Service
    Whether we know it or not, we are here to be of service and are of service, always, to someone or something. Just as everything in nature is also of service to someone or something, and has come into being to fulfill a need. Everything is necessary, however it appears to us; we are also […]
  • Tue. July 4th, 2017 | I want to change the world!
    Who hasn’t, at some point, wanted to change the world, or at least change the little piece of the world they live in - but didn’t know how? Most of us know they have an I AM Presence that is perfect bliss, and is within them, but then, why are we not in perfect bliss all the […]
  • Wed. June 21st, 2017 | Love the world you live in
    In spite of all the “unfriendliness” that we see surfacing all over the world, yes, the Universe must be fundamentally a friendly place because if it wasn’t, there could not be anything good in the whole world. The very fact that there is even a glimmer of a good quality means that the Universe is […]
  • Thu. June 8th, 2017 | Lack is a new abundance!
    What if I told you that lacking things, missing things, not having lots of things is also a part of your abundance? You are severely limiting your abundance potential when you pray for, and visualize only millions of $ in your account, a beautiful house and pool, a Ferrari (or similar!) in your garage, an intelligent, stunning […]
  • Tue. May 30th, 2017 | Everything is a gift
    Your life is your soul’s life, so your desires are your soul’s desires, when not distorted by human judgments and experiences. Know you are a soul, not just a body, and that is a huge shift in your belief system. When you try to resolve your issues simply from the viewpoint of being the body, […]
  • Mon. May 8th, 2017 | Becoming aware
    We get triggered all the time, whether in our private lives, professional lives, or by world events and we think that this shouldn’t be, that if only it wasn’t for them, we would be peaceful and content; why do others always get in the way of us feeling good? Those triggers are there for a […]
  • Tue. April 25th, 2017 | How to attract abundance into your life
    Abundance is first and foremost a matter of consciousness, of what we believe. “As you have believed, so will it be done unto you” is a statement already given in the Bible, and it is true: our beliefs will bring experiences that match what we believe. And it is not what we say, but the way we […]
  • Thu. April 20th, 2017 | Is our Universe a benevolent one?
    We seem to be living in a world of continual crisis of one kind or another, personal crisis, global crises, even cosmic crises with planets being hit by meteors and stars dying – but those don’t affect our life on a day-to-day basis. We can be peaceful about those! But notice that when a seeming […]
  • Mon. April 10th, 2017 | Be a Light to the world
    If you’re asking what can I do to change what I see happening all around me and in the world, with the people in power advocating discrimination, racialism, wars, terrorism, all kinds of abuse of power and values that are contrary to those of democracy? Even more importantly, contrary to the values of divinity which […]
  • Tue. March 28th, 2017 | Consciousness is your Source of everything
    Nothing can come into your life except through your Consciousness. The infinite power of the Universe, called the Quantum Field, Source, or Divinity is everywhere, and there is nothing outside of it, so it is also where you are, and what you are. You are the Consciousness animating your body, because when it leaves you, […]
  • Tue. March 14th, 2017 | Powerlessness is not a reality
    When we see people in power, we see our governments making decisions or promulgating laws and regulations that are contrary to our most cherished values of democracy, freedom, peace, justice and equality for all, we often feel powerless to change the way things seem to be going. We don’t know what to do to make […]
  • Mon. February 27th, 2017 | Radical Forgiveness
    Forgiveness is such a big thing in our lives, and so difficult to achieve especially if the misdeed has had a great impact. Intellectually, we know we should forgive, and endeavor to do it, but often there is some small feeling left that they are bad, untrustworthy or dishonest. We avoid them. That’s not yet […]
  • Tue. February 14th, 2017 | Let’s mend the world
    We think we are unable to do anything to make this world a better place, to stop the wars going on, to prevent terrorist attacks, to better the conditions of poverty, to prevent discrimination, whether based on race, color, religion, gender or whatever else. So we turn to marches against all those things; but when […]
  • Fri. January 27th, 2017 | The real you and its power to heal
    You are Mary, Joe or Jania. You are a mother, father or daughter/son. You are an employee, a musician, artist or plumber. You are a politician or an activist, a basket-ball player or a scientist. But once you have defined yourself in those various ways, you also know, deep down, that who you are will […]
  • Tue. January 17th, 2017 | Let the New Year’s Resolutions become New Year’s Intentions
    Have you achieved your last New Year’s resolution? Do you even remember what it was? Most likely, you have tried doing it for a few weeks, a month or two, and then it became too hard, other things took priority, you missed out once, then a few times, and then you just gave up on […]
  • Mon. January 2nd, 2017 | Do you have any problem to resolve?
    All problems are just an indication of where you are not totally aligned with the vision your Higher Self has for you. For your Higher Self, or Spirit, there is no problem; situations and people are being what they are, appearing as they are, with no judgment. Spirit, being all Light, cannot even see the […]
  • Mon. December 19th, 2016 | Challenges can be our friends!
    Let me share with you something that could help you look at your present issue or challenge with new eyes and so discover a facet that has not been apparent as yet. Some weeks ago, during a check up allowing me to keep my driving license, I have been given a diagnosis of a problem […]
  • Tue. December 13th, 2016 | Don’t believe everything your mind says
    We have our individual minds; there is also a collective mind, and there is a God-mind that sees only Itself, its own perfection expressed as absolute Love, Wisdom and Power present everywhere, infinitely and eternally. The collective mind is finite, made up of the sum of what individual minds have thought and believed throughout the […]
  • Fri. November 11th, 2016 | Thoughts on the Presidential election
    The American people have chosen their next President. Some people feel elated, others are fearful, disappointed, and sad. But facts remain facts: when it rains, we can’t do anything about that; when the sun shines, we can’t do anything about that either. In a democracy, all we can do is accept the situation and find […]
  • Wed. November 9th, 2016 | Change is Life – and life is change
    Today, I want to talk to you about change, because right now, change is staring me in the face in a way it never has before. The big changes in my life have come about so suddenly that I never even had the time to anticipate or prepare myself for them. A plane crashing, a […]
  • Mon. October 17th, 2016 | Create a meaningful intention
    In order to live life on purpose, how you want it and not how everyone else around you wants it - it is important to have intentions. Intentions for how you want your life to be. But how often do we forget our intentions? And then, they are no longer active. I have created an […]
  • Mon. October 3rd, 2016 | Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?
    When we get upset at terrorism, injustice or any other form of negativity, how does that help a person, or a situation? When you look at the news and think: “That’s not fair! That’s terrible! – why doesn’t someone do something to stop that? How can God allow such a thing?” What does that do […]
  • Mon. September 19th, 2016 | The power of gratitude – Part 4
    In the past three weeks you have practiced being grateful in a number of different ways: for the things you have, the things you can do, and even for the things you don’t like and don’t want to show up in your life. Maybe you have found some other areas where you can become grateful, […]
  • Tue. September 13th, 2016 | The power of gratitude – Part 3
    The Universe is kind, benevolent and always giving; and you are the person who determines what the Universe is to give to you. Not because of the things you say and ask for, but through the feelings you feel.   In the past two weeks, you have learned to be grateful for all the good […]
  • Mon. September 5th, 2016 | The power of gratitude – Part 2
    The Universe is kind, benevolent and always giving; and you are the person who determines what the Universe is to give to you. Not because of the things you say and ask for, but through the feelings you feel. When you feel on top of the world and grateful, the Universe will be giving you […]
  • Tue. August 30th, 2016 | The power of Gratitude – Part 1
    The Universe is kind, benevolent and always giving; and you are the person who determines what the Universe is to give to you. Not because of the things you say and ask for, but through the feelings you feel. When you feel grateful, the Universe will start giving you more and more things to be […]
  • Sun. August 14th, 2016 | Problems don’t need to be problematic – just shine your Light!
    We all have problems, just as the world has problems, but they can become less problematic, which means have less of a negative impact, if you cultivate the right mindset. A problem is a matter of interpretation; it is always subjective, depends on how you view life, what you do in life, on what your […]
  • Sat. July 30th, 2016 | Our world is a picture of a perfect spiritual world
    I saw a video recently of a rose bud, opening petal after petal until it presented the fully opened, beautiful flower in a matter of a few seconds. The actual rose is somewhere else, every stage of its growth in potential, even if I can see it unfolding right now. It made me think of […]
  • Fri. July 22nd, 2016 | Create a meaningful intention
    In order to live life on purpose, how you want it and not how everyone else around you wants it – it is important to have intentions. Intentions for how you want your life to be. But how often do we forget our intentions? And then, they are no longer active. I have created an […]
  • Mon. July 18th, 2016 | Your lack is also your abundance!
      What if I told that if you are lacking things, missing things, not having the things you want can be transformed into your abundance? That seems impossible, and yet, when you think about it, lack of things and an abundance of things are like two ends of a stick. They are indivisible, and the […]
  • Wed. June 29th, 2016 | Are you really who you think you are?
    What’s stopping you from living the life you want and envision for yourself? After all, we always do the best we can; we never do the wrong thing on purpose. So it must be something or someone outside of us – we think – that is sabotaging our efforts, so what happens is not exactly […]
  • Sat. June 18th, 2016 | Forgiveness Is Love: How To Forgive The Unforgivable
    In one instant I understood that I myself had set up the whole scenario of my son’s death, to fulfill my desire to become a better person. A memory flashed into my mind of myself about 9 years old, thinking: “One day I want to be able to forgive like that.” I had just finished […]
  • Sat. April 9th, 2016 | Who are you really?
    To even start on the journey of reclaiming your full power as a spiritual being, you must be open to at least the possibility that you are a Spirit that has chosen to express itself in this construct of time and space that we call our world.   That you are more than the physical body […]
  • Mon. February 15th, 2016 | Manifest health. Communicate with your body.
    Manifest health in your body. Communicate with it. The easiest way to manifest health in your body is by your attention, gratitude and appreciation for everything you already have in the area of health. Instead of focusing on the disease, the discomfort, or limitation, with the intention of making it disappear, why not focus on […]
  • Mon. February 1st, 2016 | What is a breath?
    Breathing is such a fundamental aspect of our life, and we just take it for granted. I have realized we can start, and stop doing almost anything else, but we can’t stop our breath. It’s a gift from Spirit, within which is inherent everything else in our life. The choice of how we use that gift is ours, […]
  • Tue. January 26th, 2016 | Launching a new life and career. How struggles can help you.
    Sometimes, challenges could lead you to launching a new life and career, even in your eighties. It's never too late! (A video interview to Jania Aebi).   Starting a new life and career as a healer when in my eighties was not one of my fondest dreams, but life managed to make me find my real purpose […]
  • Sat. January 23rd, 2016 | Katharina Zuleger Interviews Jania Aebi. Unabridged.
  • Fri. April 17th, 2015 | What is energy healing?
    Energy healing is a process through which the energy from Source/God is consciously transmitted from the practitioner to a client.  Source energy is the highest vibration possible and will transmute any lower frequency to align with itself.  It’s like tuning a violin: you strike the perfect note, and if the string you’re playing doesn’t align, […]
Derek Rydall

I have met with and worked with some of the greatest healers, and Jania is one of the most powerful, intuitive healers that I have ever worked with. I have worked with her personally. She is the real deal. If you get a chance to work with Jania do not pass it up!

Derek Rydall