When we get a pain in our knee or neck or back, or even when we catch the ‘flu or a cold, the reason underlying all other apparent reasons may very well be emotional, and not just a virus floating around. 

Whatever your current symptom is, just check and see, by muscle-testing, whether there is an emotional cause for it, and if you’ve never done muscle-testing, the easiest is what is called the “Sway Test”.  

Stand up straight, your feet parallel and slightly apart, say 3-4 inches, drop your arms to your sides and completely relax.   As you’re standing there, think of something negative, like conflict, terrorism and all the tragedies and destruction it entails; as you hold that thought, you will notice that you’re starting to sway backwards.  Away from the negativity.

Now get back to your initial position, and start thinking of the time you fell in love, your kid graduated, anything that brings a smile to your face, anything positive. Really feel it, and you will start swaying forward.   The same will happen when you say YES! YES! YES!  But when you say NO! NO! NO! you will sway backwards. 

This will apply to any question you may have, and I mean sincere questions, important questions, to do with your best choice when you have a difficult decision to make, or which of the jobs lined up would be for your highest good. Avoid asking flippant questions, how to win the lottery, or how long will I live, or which investment to make, right? You may not get the right answer! 

But health questions are absolutely in order: I had a client who came to me with an issue she had, apologizing for her streaming cold, when she didn’t normally catch those.  So to make her more comfortable, I suggested, let’s see if we can shift that before starting on the problem you came for! Did you have any sort of upset recently in your family, or work, or friends?

No, she said, everything is fine, the family is doing well, my job is wonderful.  But come to think of it, we were invited out a few days ago, and I really didn’t feel like going, but my husband said it’s a bit late to desist, so we went – and I wasn’t upset or angry, in fact, we had a really good time!  

I tested it nevertheless, and found that moment of not wanting to go to the party was the reason for her cold.  So we released the emotion, went on with our session and half-way through she noticed she no longer needed a Kleenex every few minutes. And she left, without her cold!  

Healing is not usually that quick or dramatic, but mostly, our emotions are at least a part, sometimes a big part of our problem, which can be improved by releasing the emotions, while also working on the remaining physical causes.