Gratitude is not simply saying “thank you” when someone has done something for you,
or given you a gift. When you say the words without actually feeling the feeling of
gratitude, you have not actually received the gift of being in a state of gratitude, which is
far greater than any physical gift or service you may have received from another.
All our words, thoughts, feelings and actions are just a vibration that we are circulating,
either with an intention of directing them to someone, or no intention, just being in a
state of gratitude for everyone and everything that surrounds us.
People will say, I have nothing to be grateful for! My life sucks, I’ve lost my job, my
partner doesn’t love or respect me, I’ve just been diagnosed with a disease, and bills are
piling up! If something like this is your experience – not all of those things
simultaneously, I hope! – but even then, think a little more deeply about all the things
that you do have, instead of focusing on what is lacking.
Thoughts have a vibration, and thoughts of lack and limitation are a low one; when we
send a low vibration out into the Universe, it can only reflect back to us what we are
sending out, to become the experiences in our life.
So if your finances are insufficient right now, don’t focus on that lack; but find anything
that you can be genuinely thankful for, so as to raise your frequency which is low, when
you think of your bank account. So you can be grateful for the sunshine, or the rain; you
can be grateful for having a roof over your head when so many do not; you can be
grateful for having wo legs that allow you to get to your job easily; you can be grateful
for having a comfortable chair in the office; or for having a nice view outside the
window; you can be grateful for your blankets that keep you warm in your bed.
There are literally thousands of things everyone can be grateful for, and the more you
focus on those, the higher your vibration gets. You don’t have to focus on finances to
have more finances; it doesn’t matter what you focus on, so long as it makes you feel
grateful and happy.
But to get to an even deeper place of gratitude, see if you can start feeling grateful for the
difficult things that have happened in your life, because seen in retrospect, you can
appreciate how much more understanding you have gained, or compassion and
allowance you have generated – how much more awake and a better a being you have
become because of that terrible experience!
Your past thoughts and beliefs have created your present problems; as you change
those, and practice gratitude, allowance and love consistently, over days and weeks,
never ceasing regardless of whether you see any results as yet, the Universe will have no
choice but to reflect back to you the essence of what you are putting out, and that is,
things to be grateful for. Whatever they are for you! Because we never know when we
have reached the average of 51% positiveness, that marks the turning point of our
overall vibration to date.