We all want to be loved, appreciated, valued and to find the true “love of our Life!” We are looking for it outside of ourselves, because that has been our conditioning since we were born. We have never been truly taught that the Spirit from which we emanate is Love, and therefore we are that love, so loving ourselves as a part of Divinity is what we must do. 

Instead, we are conditioned by our parents to know that we are a person, a body with a certain name, and so loving yourself became something to be avoided, a selfish act, because of a misperception of who we really are. Therefore, loving others became what we must primarily do. And that is not a bad a thing, but it’s incomplete; because if we don’t truly love ourselves, the expression in form of the Source of all life, we can’t really love any other expression, since we are One with it. Love is a state of being that goes with being born and we must activate it within ourselves first before we can extend it to others. 

When you feel that love for everything you are, it automatically extends out and it’s not possible to feel that you are lacking in love. When you feel a lack of love, usually you only attract superficial love, that has expectations and demands on how you have to be in order to receive that superficial love. 

When you start to love yourself unconditionally, that is a genuine love, and you radiate that to everything in your life, as opposed to radiating an energy of a lack of love, or conditional love.

And when genuine love pours out of you to everything in your environment, it attracts the like of itself into your life, and nice things start to happen, friends and partnerships appear, things turn out like you would want them to be, life becomes more joy-filled for no apparent reason. 

As you notice the little nice things that randomly happen it seems like all the time; like that the sun is shining without you having to do or make effort for it to appear; like the rain that waters your plants and saves you doing that chore; like that parking-spot that was there for you even when you didn’t ask your Parking Angel to find one for you; like the person who held a door open for you when you had your arms full of shopping. 

And then, the feeling of gratitude not only for those things, but for everything that is wells up in your heart and you thank the universe for always helping and assisting you. Then you will not have the time or opportunity to even notice things you like less; but if that does occur on occasion, you will know, deep down, that somehow, somewhere, it must be for your ultimate good – even if you don’t like it! – Just the fact that it turned your attention to the Divinity everywhere present, is enough!