There are many shifts in perception we could make that will help us navigate the challenges that we feel threatened by every time we listen to the news or read an article in the press that is telling us about financial disasters, recessions, new health hazards, lack of food, lack of electricity and inciting you to listen to what the “authorities” tell you is best.

No one except you knows what is best for you and we have just had two years of “authorities” telling you what is best for your health and so many of us listening and doing what we’re told, only to find in the end that it was all manipulation and trying to get more control over us in many other areas of our lives. 

The first realization we need to make is that our physical lives are just a very small part of the huge spiritual being we really are we call our Soul, that has projected this small part of itself into materiality in this temporal 3D dimension so it could experience this beautiful dimension of solid matter with its colors, sounds, with the senses of taste, touch and smell, its various emotions, that are not present in the spiritual dimensions of existence. 

You as Soul is enjoying its visit on Earth right now through your physical senses, so focus on all the beauty that is surrounding you now rather than focusing on all the things you don’t want and don’t enjoy; choose carefully what you think about, what you say or do, because that is what Life will reflect back to you.

You don’t know what the future will bring, because all you know is what you have lived through up to now, this lifetime. But your soul has been with all your lifetimes on Earth, because it is eternal and immortal, while you the body called by your name has a short life-span and then the body disintegrates, while you the Soul lives on and clothes itself with another body with a different name, in the hope that the next human will realize it is really an eternal Soul.

You the Soul lived elsewhere before you came to Earth. You came here from another planetary civilization that had achieved the enlightenment of all of its beings (not to say “people”!) and when the Source of all Life called to advanced civilizations for volunteers to come to Earth in order to lift humanity that had fallen into unconsciousness of who they really were, God-beings and Souls, not just bodies and personalities – you the Soul volunteered, and was chosen among many others who also wanted to come, as the Soul who could best fulfill this difficult mission. 

One important condition required was that you would have to forget your high status, and live a human life for as long as it took for the human to remember it was really an enlightened Soul and so to enlighten the human. The time is now, for as many of us as can to raise our vibration, to remember our celestial lineage and become, little by little, our Soul.