We think our experiences are random, coming out of the blue, and have nothing to do with us. But actually, it’s what we think and say, (even just to ourselves!) and not necessarily out loud, that shapes the Quantum Field everywhere present, in and around us, to reflect back to us the average of the frequencies we emit, and in a larger sense, the average of all the thoughts and words and feelings of humanity as a whole, that shape the Quantum Field of and around the whole world.

It is in that larger sense that we can understand how we are all contributing to anything that may be happening in the world; and in the narrower sense, to what is happening personally to us. How we are partially responsible for the wars that break out between nations by the energy of our resentment and maybe verbal or even physical fight against our noisy neighbor, or one who throws stuff over the fence into our space. Or whose dog tramples all the delicate flowers we just planted!

That energy of “fighting” goes out into the world, and is being added to all other similar energies already circulating in the Field. Generated not only now, but by people hundreds or thousands or aeons ago, that have not been neutralized, forgiven and transmuted back into Light. That is why Moher Teresa once said: “I will never join a march against anything! But if you invite to a march for peace, I will be there!”

So your current anger or resentment or intent to “fight” against anything, be it the opposing political party, the latest post on social media or your partner or kids, is in some small part responsible for a world conflict!

Not only that, but since it originated with you, it has to return to you, gathering more similar energies on its journey, so that you can consciously forgive it and offer it up to your Presence to be transmuted back into the Light it originally was when given to you as pure energy to use, hopefully constructively, in this world.

And when it reaches you again, maybe in an hour, a week, a year, in 10 years or more, it could take any form; that accident that just “happened”, or your house robbed, or a broken leg or whatever! That is why we must consciously take responsibility, internally, and not lay blame on anyone or anything – but realize we always are in some way or measure responsible for what befalls us. We may even have – unconsciously – asked for it!

Of course, this is a very simplified picture; the full truth is way more complex and there are many other reasons that also play a part, but that’s why making a practice of sincerely forgiving everyone, everywhere, including yourself, for everything forever, can be so helpful in smoothing your path through life!