There is a path open before every one of us that leads to enlightenment, or re-joining Divinity, the Source of all, and so, your Source too. It can be walked with joy and in bliss, in the wonder of remembering who we really are, a part of the Divine Source of All That Is, that seemingly got separated, aeons ago, but is still part of the Wholeness and Completeness of Source. Because, when something is Whole, and complete, there can be nothing outside of it, right? Everything is always a part of it, whatever appearances tell us. They are just a perception, unreal.  

But some of those parts have been given the power of choice of how to think, what to believe, how to behave and act, and then they experience the results of their choices.  Every human is one of those parts, destined to come back to the place where they started from, and their experiences on the journey of perceived separation would enrich and expand the viewpoint of Source. 

But they had to forget the viewpoint of Source for their experiences to become truly real and meaningful to them, and there was a certain span of time allotted to living forgetful lives in separation, before coming home again. That time is fast approaching, in fact, we already have one foot in Oneness and Togetherness, but the other still in Separation and Divisiveness. 

That is why we are still seeing and experiencing misery, conflict depression and anxiety; but we are also seeing and experiencing love, beauty, joy, kindness and generosity and all we have to do is choose to focus our attention on what we want our life to be, believe only in the best, and let our actions be an expression of joy, kindness, understanding and allowance of differences for our individual paths back to Divinity to be filled with those same qualities.

It will be difficult at times, when we notice that the path of some others is filled with unhappiness, misery, fear and worries, but it doesn’t have to be our path. Our example of having a joy-filled life may cause some others to want the same for themselves, and ask us for guidance in how to achieve it for themselves. 

We could say that we have realized we are not alone in this world, and that we have a team of Angelic Guides and helpers who promised that when we forgot your angelic identity and started to make choices that were not aligned with the Love the Creator is, who we still are in spite of forgetting it, they would always be there to help. And everyone in existence has that help from their own Guides and helpers, but they must sincerely want it, ask for it, and then start making different choices that align with Love. 

I have now made that choice, and my Angelic team is helping me to remember who I really am, so I can become a Light to myself, and to those around me. Telling you this has been a part of my Light extending to you, if you are willing to let it in and change you, so your path may also become easy and joyful.