The first thing is feeling the difference that already exists even when considering the words themselves. There is a hopelessness and powerlessness about Giving up; while there is a feeling of choice and possibility around Surrender. When you have choice, you have power; but knowing who or what you are surrendering to is now critical.

But there is also a third word that is somewhat similar, and that’s Acceptance. When you give up, it’s admitting you are powerless to change a situation you don’t like, but you are still resisting it, judging it as bad or unwanted. All our problems stem from our continual judgment of what is, whether we judge it as good or bad – it’s still all a judgment! 

If we could just let go of all our judgments and start seeing through the eyes of Universal Consciousness which only sees the perfection of its own creation, which is spiritual and the only Reality, and has no relationship to the material visible manifestations of human activities,- all our seeming problems would just dissolve in the Light of this our new consciousness, now One with the Universal Consciousness that sees no wrong; it just sees what IS.

When you accept an unwanted situation as what it is, it resolves the resistance to it, and allows for thinking about how you could possibly either change it, or change your perception of it, both of which will yield exactly the same result, you now being okay with it. That’s a good place to be in. 

The energy of surrender is slightly different; you are still seeing the situation as something you don’t want, or don’t want to do, but you’re also seeing that in some aspects, it is right, or it’s the right thing for you to do, even if it’s uncomfortable or painful in some ways. And this is where choice comes in. 

A most important question to ask yourself when you are faced with the need to surrender is, as I’ve just said, what am I surrendering to? Is it to a condition that is painful, unfair, unjust, inequitable, which is a very disempowering choice, or to a higher idea that I want to implant here instead of that condition I don’t want perpetuated?

If you choose the latter, now you have given your mind the task of clarifying whatever is that higher idea, which comes from your soul, instead of focusing on the outer condition which is negative in its essence and will only lead to more negativity down the road. So quite literally, you are surrendering to the Source of all creation, the Quantum Field of all beautiful and desirable qualities in potential, that you are now instrumental in bringing down into physical manifestation, to replace what a lower consciousness has previously manifested.