Many people have said many things about what an illusion is. Sometimes they have even said that this life is an illusion, because we have a higher, spiritual life, or the body is an illusion, it doesn’t really exist! But life, and our bodies in this dimension really exist, and so do all the things we see around us.  Simply, there are also other realities and other dimensions that equally exist, but that we cannot perceive with the normal five senses we use in 3D. 

And in this dimension, the only illusion, or what’s been called maya, are the things that you don’t like about yourself. The things that you believe are wrong; about you, or a situation, or a circumstance.  The things that stop you from seeing your real value, who you really are. 

Nature always works perfectly, because nothing in nature ever feels bad about itself. Neither animal, nor plant, nor rock, they are all perfectly satisfied with the way they are, and look.  They don’t have meta-cognition, the ability to be aware of being aware, which we have.

We have been given that power, and when we exercise it so as to feel good about ourselves, that’s the power of alchemy, which is the power to transform ourselves into higher and higher levels tending towards Divinity; but since we live in duality, not in absolute Union, we also have the power to feel bad about ourselves. The greatest treasure we have as humans, is the power of choice. And you know the saying, With great power, comes great responsibility. 

And what that means, is that we are fully responsible for how we feel; that those who feel good about themselves are also able to feel bad about themselves; and those that feel inadequate or lacking, can also feel confident, competent and having all they need. You have that power, so use it wisely and consciously, because when we are unconscious, we use it against ourselves. We can choose comfort and convenience of the physical self rather than choosing integrity with our soul and alignment with our True Self.

Let your everyday mantra be: I am filled with the unlimited power of Divinity, and there is nothing wrong with me! I m a creation of Light, and when I acknowledge the Light in everything that appears, I am bringing the light within it to life.