At the end of the chaotic year 2020, and entering a New Year, I would like to add a little
perspective on what has actually been happening in the last months. And ask a few
questions, which we would do well to ask ourselves, on occasion. We have been
attacked by a virus more lethal that the Corona, which admittedly has caused some
deaths; and every death is something to be mourned, and regretted.
It is very painful for family and friends – and this grief cannot be denied or diminished.
At the same time, whether a person died of a heart-attack, pneumonia, Coronavirus,
some other ‘flu or from other multiple reasons people die of every day, seems to me
beside the point.

There is another virus that has infected the earth’s population at large, at the same time
as the Coronavirus, and it is what I call the Mediavirus, which simply attacks our brain
neurons, rather than attacking our lungs. While sometimes (certainly not always!) the
Coronavirus can cause death, the Mediavirus renders us incapable of thinking straight,
thinking for ourselves, and doing a little research into statistics to see what is actually

I am not fond of statistics, which have to be put into context in order to have any value,
and I have never been good at figures, which prevents me from calculating percentages.
But I have a friend I trust, who loves statistics, has done some research in that area, and
who came up with a few facts for me.

The “Spanish” flu, in 1918, a hundred years ago, killed an estimated 20 million to 5
million people. SIDA/VIH virus is responsible for the deaths of 36′ million people in the
7 years between 2005 and 2012. The seasonal flu of 2018, just two years ago, killed
600’000 people around the world, and that has never been treated like a pandemic of
epic proportions, and has not precipitated governments into wanting to forcibly
inoculate even people who are immune, with a vaccine that has been insufficiently
tested and that always has some unwanted secondary effects.

Now let’s look at the tests that we are told to take even when we suffer from a cold or a
mild flu: most doctors agree that the tests are not reliable, and some further state they
are simply not adapted to detecting the strain of the Corona. Those are being threatened
with losing their jobs, being barred from speaking on Facebook and other public media,
and forcibly reduced to silence.

An example, among many: the niece of a friend was coughing and sneezing, and
obediently put herself down for a COVID test. Went to hospital on the appointed day
and saw a long file of people, all waiting, two meters apart as prescribed, out in the cold,
and no information about how many were already inside and still waiting for the test.
She decided it would not do her cold any good to join the queue, and so she just went
home, kept warm and was perfectly okay within a few days. Obviously, she was only
mildly infected by the Mediavirus.

A week later, she finds a communication from the hospital, telling her that her test (that
she never took!) came back positive. That test will go into the statistics of people
infected with Coronavirus, even though it was never performed. How reliable are

Another personal example:
An anaesthesist I have recently met and had a conversation with was transferred from
his specialty to the intensive care unit due to the numbers of patients there. He was very
much afraid of the COVID and believed in the statistics that were being broadcast by the
media. Once in the intensive care, he saw that most, if not all of the patients were
suffering from numerous other pathologies, including obesity, which potentially they
could die of within a very short time, and including old age. But COVID was
automatically chosen as the cause of death since they were tested positive. And how
reliable are those tests? This man, at least, has totally revised his thinking.

There are 150’000 people that die every day, from every kind of disease. End of March
2020, statistics say there were 20’000 deaths due to Coronavirus. That’s in about 2
months; when the total deaths for 2 months average 9 million, (if my math is correct!)
then how lethal is the Corona compared to all other causes of death?
And I personally, don’t know of anyone who has died of the Coronavirus in 2020, or
even know anyone whose family member or friend died of it. When I personally know
11 family members/friends who have died in the last year of various other causes.
Strange, that given such a pandemic, no one in my circle of acquaintances has been
touched by it.
The Mediavirus that’s attacking our brains and causing us to panic and shut down whole
sectors of our economies, which in turn cause widespread poverty, a rise in suicide
deaths due to depression, job loss, hopelessness and who knows what else, is to be
feared far more than any Coronavirus.

Like with any other ‘flu, let’s have proper hygiene, not socialize when not feeling well,
stop being afraid because of the so-called statistics thrown in our face by the news and
media, and get our brains and discernment working instead. If we all choose to act
responsibly, not from irrational fears and Mediavirus, and go to hospital when necessary
but not every time we sneeze, hospitals would not be overloaded and there would be no
need for governmental edicts which only hope to reduce infections, but at the same time
create other problems that will have to be dealt with next months and years.