We depict Angels with wings, symbolizing their ability to reach higher realms than the common mortals we seem to be can attain.  We also think of them as genderless, but what if they were actually beings with both the masculine and feminine polarities perfectly balanced? 

Our depictions of them have nothing to do with their actual being, which is spiritual, and so they have no physical bodies. They are an energy, with perfectly balanced attributes, even if we like to think of them as either masculine or feminine.  Archangel Michael, for example is usually depicted as masculine, while Archangel Ariel seems to be attributed more feminine qualities.  We have been attributing our physicality to them as men and women, when in fact they are energetic beings that fully embody all the aspects that we attribute to either men or women. 

That is why it is so important right now for us to bring balance to the masculine and feminine qualities we all have, but are mostly exhibiting some of them in preference to others, because of the gender we’ve been born into.   

What if we realized we are Angels in training, come down to earth to experience duality in all its aspects so that we could bring balance to what has become unbalanced, and so graduate out of duality, showing up as life force, the feminine, with its creative and nurturing aspects, as well as the more masculine aspects of structure, order, and proper boundaries to hold what we have created safe and secure until it has reached maturity and can again evolve to an even higher aspect of creativity and joy? 

What if men started to acknowledge the feminine side of themselves more, and women started to honor their masculine side as well?  That doesn’t mean becoming less of a woman, or less of a man, but on the contrary, becoming more of a whole being, that can honor the wholeness of their partner, when they come together in partnership, whether that’s a friendship, a business partnership or a life partnership.

Let us extend that to the whole world we live in, where it is clear we are called to honor every expression of life, whether it’s nature, as earth, rocks and plants, insects, fish and animals, all the elements, earth, air, water, and fire. Because we are now being shown the imbalances we have created within ourselves are now manifesting out in the world.  

Until we bring a resolution to the war going on within ourselves, between our egos and our divine nature, and align with the real part of us, which is divine, the outer circumstances can never get better. When we no longer align with the egos we were given for the survival of the human race, when we were born as human beings, that is when we will start manifesting Heaven on Earth.  Because the ego will be kept in its proper place, in service to the Spiritual being we are. 

As whole beings, accepting and honoring every part of ourselves, we will let the previous, old structures fall apart, giving birth to a new human, one that has never been seen before, that can create new, different, bigger, and more expanded structures, that will serve the new, future world even better. The dismantling of the old structures is what we are seeing everywhere.  Let us center our attention and energy on the new that is being created, like the phoenix rising from the ashes of what was.