We have been living, for the past weeks in truly unprecedented times, and those times have really started at the beginning of this year 2020 and the start of a new decade. If we think that the pandemic we are experiencing is just about our health, and getting rid of the virus, we have not understood the real meaning of this challenge.

All our challenges are simply a STOP sign, a red light telling us to pay attention. To look around to see what dangers might be surfacing and to be careful, to change the direction in which we were heading, to see what other ways of navigating our life could be possible.

An actual material challenge hardly ever has much to do with the area in which it’s appearing. A health challenge is not primarily to do with health; a financial challenge is not primarily to do with money; a relationship challenge is not primarily to do with our partner or spouse; they are all, primarily, pointing us to look at where, in our own life, we have not been in alignment with who and what Spirit is.

The challenge simply appears in the area of life that is most likely to capture our full attention, so that we can make the necessary changes first and foremost in our ways of being, that will translate into our thinking patterns, that will influence the ways we speak, that will influence our behaviors and actions.

The COVID-19 virus has given us a time of pause from our busy lives, forcing us to take a step back to re-focus on what we really want in life, and re-align with what is really important. It’s an unprecedented opportunity, when everything seems to be falling apart, to let the old structures disappear and seize this also unprecedented opportunity to create new societies, new realities, new structures that will bring in more love, compassion and equality.

We have seen a lot of manipulation, corruption, abuses, and exploitation that is being upheld because it brings in money, nor caring about how many people are hurt in the process. Unless every one of us, individually, in our own private lives, can now practice having more love, allowance, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude, there is no hope that large corporations will – because they are made up of people just like you and me.

We do not have years and years to do that; the severity and rapidity of our present challenge tells us that unless we quickly change, this pandemic will bring in its wake more suffering in other areas. In the economy of whole countries, financial crises, agricultural crises, widespread hunger, and any material measures we take will never be effective, or enough, without the spiritual part: the raising of our vibration, sincere connection with Spirit and alignment with our highest values. Only those will bring a lasting improvement to our lives.

Because that alignment will cause us to act in ways to promote cooperation, kindness and generosity towards every part of creation. Already we are seeing the benefits of reduction in pollution for the life of our planet, and that must continue and intensify, after the pandemic is over.

We can choose where we want to go in the future: either back to the stagnation and relative comfort of some humans and destruction of the planet, or forward towards spiritual growth of humans and healing of the planet, nature and all living creatures. And that is not a choice we make once and it’s over; we must choose to overcome fear over and over, as well as choose growth over and over.