When we have constant chronic pain, and are all the time engaged in trying to heal it, that’s absolutely normal, but also shows us we’re in resistance to it, and all of our attention is concentrated on the issue we have, which in part, is what’s keeping it in place.

Whatever you focus on, you amplify, and chronic conditions rarely get healed. Not because they can’t be, but because the focus is on getting your physical body in as perfect a condition as it can be, getting free of the pain or the disease. And you are not giving attention to the real reason why you have developed this condition, which is to become free of the belief that any condition has the power to limit you, an all-powerful expression of Divinity, in any way.

The condition is trying to get you to fully realize who and what you really are.

You think that because of your condition, you can’t live the life you really want. Up to a point it’s true, if you are paralyzed and in a wheel-chair, you can’t run a marathon. At least, not now; but there are so many other things you still can do.

Usually, paralysis is considered incurable, but there have been cases where a person unable to move any part of their body, while lying in bed spent their whole day visualizing themselves running, or playing their favorite sport, and little by little got some feeling back in their toes, and after a year in hospital, having been told they would never walk again – they actually walked out of hospital. Slowly and uncertainly, but completely unassisted.

The constant focus on resolving a condition is what’s keeping you from fully living your life now. Maybe for the moment it has physically stopped you from doing certain activities, but there are others you still can do, and most importantly, you can visualize the life you would want to be living, so you live it energetically, until the energetic component permeates down to the physical.

When you’re faced with a chronic condition, the question you need to ask is not “How can I heal this condition?”, but rather, “How can I live a happy, fulfilled, creative and successful life now, regardless of conditions; whether it’s my body, my finances, or relationships?”

When people struggle with a lot of physical issues, the fact that they haven’t been able to quickly resolve them with the normal ways of healing has often caused them to go even deeper in search of a different level of a solution not normally accessed, and made them discover a greater truth to do with what life is really about.

That even if we are in a physical body that is subject to physical laws, our true freedom and fulfillment has nothing to do with the physical, and that the condition that’s unchangeable is only there to show us our true nature, and true freedom. That our value has nothing to do with what we accomplish in the world, but is in who we can become, and how liberated and fulfilled we can feel, even when in a wheel-chair, or born without any arms or legs.