7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 4/7

We all have problems, whether big or small, and try to solve them as best we can, while immersed in the frequency of the problem. That’s an impossibility; because every problem has its own frequency it lives at.

When your frequency matches, or is similar to the frequency of the problem, you must experience it. The problem becomes your personal problem, but is not a problem for a friend standing next to you. Because they are not, right now, at the frequency you’re at.

Think of a problem in your life: what is the reason for this personal problem of yours? The basic, underlying reason for all problems is that you wish for things, circumstances, people, to be different than what they are.

Are you able to change them? In most cases, no; because if you could, you would – and it would never become a problem. Making people and situations into a problem that makes you feel upset, unhappy or angry is quite a useless procedure, one that’s not taking into account your soul’s perception. And don’t forget your soul is the bigger, infinitely intelligent, powerful, wise and loving part of you, and it has no problems!.

So what if, instead of seeing a problem, you trusted that this situation, person or event you don’t like showing up, is in perfect timing for you to choose the highest possible response you are able to give in this moment? Highest, meaning the closest to what you imagine your soul, or one of the great masters in history you resonate with, would give.

Because the outcome you want from your limited human perspective can only be drawn from the best memories of past experiences and will always be subject to the laws of duality.

While what your soul wants for you, from its unlimited perspective, is so much more than you can even imagine. Wanting at all costs to get your own way will yield so much less than what Spirit has in store for you, if you trust in Its wisdom and surrender to It.

Look out for the next instalment of “Awareness” in two weeks!