Challenges have reasons, not causes.

When you have a disease, a physical pain, or any kind of an issue, whatever we think its cause is, it only has one core reason for existing, and that is, to make you pay attention.  To make you see that something in your mindset, your consciousness, needs to change, since what’s happening is not in alignment with your true divine nature, which is absolute perfection.

Your soul, the divine nature of you, never has a problem. Right?  Your soul is never sick, never in pain, never poor or unhappy. It’s made up of perfect thoughts and patterns that it has brought to you when it incarnated. And if you had been expressing those thoughts in life, your life would be perfect too.  But material life is never perfect, and the reason is, if everything in our life was going according to our plans and desires, we would never want to change any of it. Stagnation would occur.

Life is dynamic, always moving forward, toward better and better things, never at a standstill, which equals slow and incremental death. A river that flows, an ocean in perpetual movement, a lake being fed by a river generate life, while a pond, where there is no inflow or outflow will stagnate and die. Vegetation will not grow, fish will not survive, and no animal will come to drink from it.  It becomes poisonous to life.

In the same way, we must also be in continuous movement, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, if we are not to stagnate and die.  Maybe not literally die, but our faculties diminish and atrophy unless we keep evolving to a higher and better expression of ourselves, and our physical death occurs much earlier than it otherwise would.

What we need to change first, is our belief that we are just a physical body and living our life from that viewpoint. Even accidents, as when a car collides with yours, has a deeper spiritual reason beyond the “accident” theory.  It’s there to teach you something.

When I was having small “accidents” one after another, from a sprained ankle to a broken hip, each one getting more serious, I attended to them without searching for a deeper reason.  I was still unconscious. But those “accidents” were in fact an answer to my desire to have a deeper connection to God, and to know what my purpose in life was after losing my son, the only family I still had.

Had I listened to the guidance I was getting about what that purpose was, I would not have needed those accidents; I could have aligned myself with that purpose willingly, and implemented what was necessary.  But since it called for a complete shift in the direction of my life, it’s doubtful I would have done it, without the seemingly insoluble problem that surfaced in the end, that forced me into learning about healing, an area which I knew absolutely nothing about.

If you now have a challenge of any kind, I invite and encourage you to also look at your deepest desires, and at what you are doing, or not doing, in order to align with them, make them manifest in your life. Where are your thoughts and beliefs not congruent with those of your soul? Then set about changing them, and bringing your life into harmony with what you know your soul is, and wants for you and from you.