Love is what makes the world go round.

Love has so many different aspects to it, that we get lost between the human aspects of romantic love, parental love, friendship, conditional love, tough love, which looks very different, and self-love, which we mostly forget about, because we think it means loving our human personality, with the things we don’t like about ourselves.

If for one moment we could forget the body we are clothed in, close our eyes and see the infinite, eternal soul which is our true being, then we would have no trouble in loving that eternal soul, giving the body the capacities we have and can appreciate. We start by loving those.

We are a good parent to our child.  We are a helpful son or daughter to our aged parents.   We are a supportive teacher. We are a talented artist. We are an invaluable collaborator in the office. We are a considerate neighbor.  We are a productive team member when project-building. We are an important part of our family. There are countless ways in which we are a cooperative and benevolent member of society.

And then, whenever a thought comes that here, I’ve been unkind; that there, I’ve gotten angry; that I could have had more patience, or that I could have been more helpful, notice that those are all actions you take or don’t take; but that’s not who you are.  The personality chooses the actions it takes; but who you are never changes. You are always the soul that is love, harmony, joy, peace, wisdom, power, unconditional love and unconditional allowance of everything that your personality chooses to express in any given moment. And your job, as soul, is to radiate love unconditionally, including to yourself.

When you turn to your true divine nature and feel the love it has for you regardless of how you just acted, you look at that part that has acted out, been insecure, overwhelmed and afraid and give to that part unconditional love and acceptance.

You hold the part that is afraid of what might happen and say to it “I am with you and I’m not leaving you. Tell me what you need. I am the energy of everything you need, tell me what you need.”  Then listen for the answer within, feel into the energy of the feeling behind the words, see where that energy is in your body. Hold it with love, ask what it needs, look at it with love, listen, and keep holding it.

Hold any part that feels guilty, ashamed, unworthy, inadequate, and say to it: “You are a part of me that hasn’t felt understood or welcomed so far.  I am so sorry I have been rejecting you, you are a part of me I haven’t seen the value of, but all that is going to change now. I know you are innocent, loving and totally worthy since you are an aspect of me, and I am an aspect of God and I will no longer judge you but accept you as a player on my team.”

Individually, hold every part of you that seemed unacceptable with love, asking it what it needs, listening to what it says and whatever that is, feel into the feeling behind the words. Then those parts will start telling you their needs, and the love you are can grant them. Finally, you can thank them for teaching you what unconditional love looks like.

Gratitude is the acknowledgement and acceptance of a gift already given.