Our life is just a dream.

One day I got to realize how our life is just like a dream; we are a concept in the mind of God, just as a dream is a concept in our sleeping state; where we are able to create experiences that are very real to us in the dream – but the level of reality is not the same for the person standing next to you.

And this was my dream:

I had borrowed a set of mini-tools, with a penknife I needed; opening it in a hotel rest-room, and while I was drying my hands, and throwing away he towel, it just disappeared.  I looked everywhere, even in the towel-bin, and it just wasn’t there. I was getting really upset; the tool-kit wasn’t mine, I had to return it, my feelings of being irresponsible, not to be trusted, not careful of the property of others were growing and then, I found it! It had just slipped behind the soap-dish and my feeling of relief was indescribable.

Then my alarm rang, I woke up, but decided to lay there for a moment – and another version, a continuation of exactly the same dream happened.  I was in a hotel room, had the same set of mini-tools and was now very mindful of where I put them. As I used one, I carefully put it back into its place – I remembered how I had lost them a moment before.  Some friends knocked on the door, since we had planned to go out together. As we arrived at our destination, in my mind’s eye I saw my computer still open from the night before, I had forgotten to close it.

This reminded me of my set of tools, that I had also forgotten in my room, and the room-service would come and throw it out!  I rushed back, trying to run but it seemed like I was wading through deep sand- I couldn’t get back to my room in time – all the same feelings of being not good enough, not trustworthy were weighing me down even more.

Finally I got there, to see that the bedsheets were in a heap on the table where I had put the little tools.  I felt under the sheets, and they were there! I grabbed them, but couldn’t get rid of the upsetting feelings. Then I woke up and the feelings persisted, I was telling myself I was awake, there were no tools, no borrowing them from anyone, no leaving them unattended, but the negative feelings couldn’t be shaken.  Not until I actually got out of bed and went to my shower, and started doing normal things.

That’s how real a dream can feel.

This whole planet is a dream in the Mind of God, and so are we; we are just characters in that dream that have a level of awareness of themselves and their surroundings and can, in turn, indulge in our own dreams that seem as real to us as our “real life” when we are in our dream.  But everything disappears when we wake up and start our life again. And when we wake up from this dream of our planet and our life, we will just be living the perfect spiritual life we never left, that was never impacted in any way by our falling into this dream.