Feeling connected does not make it so.

Life is what it is in every passing moment and our thinking and feeling about how it is will never make it other than it is.  However, the way in which we perceive it makes all the difference in the world to our experience of it. 

Have you ever been in meditation, and had a really high moment of realization you can’t even put words to, had an emotion that was so new, so beautiful that it brought tears to your eyes and a desire for it to last forever?  The sensation and the feeling are both relative and by definition, can’t last forever because of the nature of our 3D world that we live in, and have experiences in, but that doesn’t mean the Reality that produced that emotion is no longer there. 

You may even have had the realization, as soon as the experience receded, that this was an on-going state of being you have had all your life, but never at such a surface level where you could actually feel the experience.  And when the feeling recedes, what remains is the knowing that you have always had that connection which, for whatever reason, came up from the depths of your being to be felt at an emotional and physical level. 

When you stop feeling it, it hasn’t gone away, it’s just that the clouds of human thoughts and perceptions have returned, separating your mind from the Source of your being.  A mind that had been opened, through Divine Grace, to apprehending what is really there all the time. 

When the feeling recedes and you think you’ve lost your connection, you are back in ego, that part which thinks there is separation, which thinks there is someone else apart from the wholeness Divinity you have just experienced. 

Let your mantra be: “This is what I’ve always had, but never knew it!” and now that you also know it, you can start living a life to reflect that Truth so that it truly becomes embodied. Something you know not only intellectually, but viscerally. Now Divine ideas and perceptions can flow through your mind instead of the old limiting thoughts and beliefs. 

You are an expression of Divinity, not merely connected with it and that is true whether you feel it or not. We have been conditioned to need to know ourselves, to see ourselves a certain way before we can believe we are a certain way. Whether we are a teacher, a musician or the head of a company, we need to experience that, feel that before it becomes real for us. 
Can you accept that you are Divinity in form, fully awake and free, without needing material proof, without needing to feel you already are that? We want our union with Spirit to be an experience we can have, for it to feel real.  Can we believe it’s Real all the time, even when we don’t feel it materially? That is where we must get to, that deep knowing which we can’t be shaken out of, even when appearances show us otherwise.