Whether we know it or not, we are here to be of service and are of service, always, to someone or something. Just as everything in nature is also of service to someone or something, and has come into being to fulfill a need. Everything is necessary, however it appears to us; we are also here to fulfill a need.

If anything appears destructive, that is just our judgment because it is inconvenient, painful or seems to be hurting us. A poisonous mushroom is food for a slug, adding to the beauty of the environment by its color and shape. Destroying a poisonous mushroom hurts some part of life; all we have to do is avoid touching it, or eating it.

If you find something where you simply can’t see any reason for its existence, it’s your mind that is flawed, or has incomplete information. We don’t know everything about everything; that’s a fact, but so often we act as if we were a fountain of wisdom, with absolute knowledge. What we’re really doing, is using the little knowledge we have to hurt or destroy some other part of life because it looks threatening, painful or inconvenient to the little self, the ego.

First, we serve by just being born: Spirit wanted to express itself in all ways, not only as nature, plants and animals. They operate under natural laws and don’t have the option of acting contrary to those laws. Spirit wanted to express itself as free, individual beings without any constraints, so gave humanity the gift of free will, which allowed them to act in any way they wished: contrary to, or in accordance with natural laws, the laws of God.

Where there is a lot of freedom, there are also many choices. Freedom only exists in the world of time and space, in duality, so choices range from Trust to total Rejection, from Truth to Falsehood, and every shade in between. What we choose to express from the infinite number of possibilities available, determines our life experience.

Through the fact of being born, we are serving God by allowing It to express as free individual beings. And our service continues, whether conscious or unconscious; the newborn baby is already serving its parents and family by giving them joy and happiness. If there appears to be a negative outcome, like three-year old Bob being jealous of the new baby, it’s due to a misperception, a lack of complete information on Bob’s part.

We continue to be of service, sometimes consciously and willingly, other times unconsciously; and experience gratitude, love and appreciation from others. But even when we don’t, when our service goes unrecognized, let’s have the determination and fortitude to know they are also a part of God, and they are also serving. Therefore, they have to be of some service to me since they are in my life. And that service could just be for me to remember who I really am, allow them to be who they are, and mentally, send them a blessing of peace, joy and abundance even when they ignore me, or misbehave.

Because they can’t hurt the Real me that only knows how to bless – “Nothing Real can be hurt, and nothing unreal exists” – so I can’t be hurt. And if my ego feels resentment or hate towards them, that stops peace, joy and abundance from flowing into my own life.

Whether to bless or to hate is a choice every personality has to make, over and over again.

Photo: stocksnap.io