In spite of all the “unfriendliness” that we see surfacing all over the world, yes, the Universe must be fundamentally a friendly place because if it wasn’t, there could not be anything good in the whole world. The very fact that there is even a glimmer of a good quality means that the Universe is perfect, complete, and Love. Because an effect can’t be different from its cause, and if the original Causeless Cause was “evil”, everything stemming from it would be evil. There could be nothing good. While if the original Cause was “good” everything stemming from it would be good, and there could be no evil. There is no evil in the unified field of energy we call the Universe.

But then, what is the origin of the “evil” we see? It is in the way humans use their God-given free will to act either in accordance with the laws of the Universe, which are unity, peace, love and cooperation, or think, feel and act in reverse to those laws, causing pain and suffering to themselves and others.

Evil is man-made – good comes from the Divine Presence.

Your belief in a loving, or an evil Universe does not change the nature of the Universe that just IS, having no personal attachment to anything or anybody. It operates according to precise laws that make everything be in perfect harmony with everything else. The word “friendly”, as we use it, has no meaning to that field of universal energy, where there is only Unity or Oneness.

We have divided that fundamental Unity into concepts like perfection, harmony, wholeness, love or joy because our finite minds cannot get around a Unity that is infinite, eternal and encompasses everything visible and invisible, in its oneness.

As expressions of that one field of energy with free will – which no other expression has, we can, and do think, believe, feel and act differently than laid down by the laws of that field of energy. Then the result in our experience is “evil”. But our experiences do not change the nature of the Universe.

All we have to do to is realize where we are not thinking in accordance with the laws of love, allowance, harmony and cooperation and change our thinking; which in turn changes our beliefs; which changes our feelings; which changes our actions. And that radically changes the experience we have of the world, which reflects back to us the state of our consciousness.

We have to change first, individually, before anything changes in the world. Don’t wait for other people to change to act differently. They are in control of their consciousness, you are in control of yours. Your only concern is to better your experience through connection to your Presence. That’s not selfishness, that’s self-love.

We must abandon blame, anger, resentment, sadness, horror, whatever we are feeling when looking at events in our private life, or those that are happening in the world, and generate love, compassion and blessing for all those situations. That’s the only thing that will lift us out of duality into oneness with the ever-“friendly” Universe, Presence or Divinity.


Photo: Stockunlimited