Who hasn’t, at some point, wanted to change the world, or at least change the little piece of the world they live in – but didn’t know how?

Most of us know they have an I AM Presence that is perfect bliss, and is within them, but then, why are we not in perfect bliss all the time? One of the reasons is, we don’t know how to feel we’re one with Presence.

You have certain habits, things you do every day and many times a day, without even noticing you are doing them. Such as opening your refrigerator, washing dishes, making a cup of coffee. Start being completely present to all those automatic activities, as you’re doing them. Washing dishes, you hear the sound of the running water, become aware of your hand holding the plate, see the traces of food disappearing, become conscious of the scent of the detergent. You have brought your full attention to your activity, have engaged most of your senses, if not all, in this moment. You are in the NOW, the present moment, where your I AM Presence always is. Your mind is not thinking about the past or the future.

Whatever you are feeling, seeing, hearing, thinking or touching is always in the present moment. This is the most important, and only moment you have. If you think something in the future is more important – well, it may never even appear! But if it does, it will be “now”. In becoming conscious of what your senses are perceiving, without your mind adding unnecessary thoughts, you are just being, like your Presence is being, without judgments, projections, and concepts about the thing or event you are aware of.

While you wait in line at the grocery store, instead of becoming impatient, or checking your emails –become aware of the sounds, the smells, of what you see, of your hands on the cart; become aware of who is this Awareness that contains within it all the things that you are aware of, not only in this grocery store, but at home, in your town, your country, holds the awareness of the sun and stars and moon. You have now effectively dropped into the Mind of the I AM Presence where there is no impatience, no racing thoughts, no discontent of any sort.

You are using external conditions to create inner peace and spaciousness; it’s a spiritual practice. You have transcended your personality and connected to the vastness of your Consciousness, and the more you can do that, the more you will find improvements in your life. Use every waiting moment in your life in this way, and there so many! Waiting at traffic lights, waiting for your kids after school, waiting at the doctor’s, waiting at the post office, waiting for your spouse to finish whatever…

Then you will find the voices in your head that created so much anxiety and worry are no longer there; you become more allowing and happier, and the people around you are becoming kind and helpful and fun to be with. Even if some of them don’t, you are no longer reactive. Their critical remarks no longer have the power to upset you as they used to; you know they are just expressing their level of consciousness. Your new consciousness that is so close to that of your Presence is radiating out, in ever widening circles, until it touches everyone on the planet. How that’s done is not your concern; your only task is to be in the present moment, with your I AM Presence. Nothing in the world will change unless you change your state of consciousness. There is nothing more important than that.