The Purpose of Life.

How I experience what I see out in the world shows me how much my vision differs from God’s vision. God’s vision is all beauty, harmony, joy, peace, infinity and eternality; so everything I see gives me an opportunity to check it against God-qualities I know, to see whether the appearance is the fullness of God.

Even when I do see a measure of beauty, harmony, strength or determination, joy or happiness, in everything, I never see the eternality or infinity, and so know I am still in the human perspective. My task is to lift my consciousness from the pictures seen or experienced by my physical self – the human perspective – to the spiritual perspective that only wants to express, and experience the one eternal quality of unconditional Love, from which stems every other quality we can think of.

Love is not a feeling; it is a state of consciousness that supports, assists and cares for any being, while they are experiencing life and their feelings about it, whatever they may be.

I take every opportunity presented to me to more fully realize I am spiritual, a thought of God that has imagined an expression of Itself in time and space so It can experience emotions and sensations. Spiritual being knows everything in one flash of an eternal NOW; and projects itself into time, space and materiality so as to be able to differentiate and savor, in slow-motion, all the components of that “soup” that is All That Is.

The One Mind of God focuses Itself as, and uses my finite mind, emotional body and physical body to have experiences in this physical world. It imagined the sequential time where things happen one after another and exist is separate places. I am just the instrument through which Source expresses itself to bring joy and happiness to the rest of life; just as the violin is an instrument through which the music in a musician’s mind expresses into the material world. Without an instrument, the music, however beautiful, could never express and bring happiness to the rest of life.

That is the purpose of my life – but I also have to choose it and express it.

That is the purpose of every life. And as creators with free will, we must all choose what we want to express.

Are you living your purpose?