What’s stopping you from living the life you want and envision for yourself? After all, we always do the best we can; we never do the wrong thing on purpose. So it must be something or someone outside of us – we think – that is sabotaging our efforts, so what happens is not exactly what we wanted.

Maybe you are desperately searching for a meaning to your life, for a purpose that would make you happy and fulfilled. You are not alone! It’s a common quest.

Have you ever stopped to consider where all your wants, desires and that purpose you’re looking for, are situated? They all lie squarely in the material world.

Have you noticed that as soon as a desire is fulfilled, another one immediately comes up? You are always wanting something bigger, or better, or different. You are never satisfied for long with what you have obtained or achieved.

That’s because you are not only a physical being; you are also a spiritual being – and if you don’t see that and accept that as true, we can stop this conversation right here. You will stay unfulfilled, always searching for something more, not knowing what it is. That something is your spiritual identity and spiritual attributes. I would even say you are first and foremost a spiritual being – before you ever became a physical being with physical desires.

You are using the energy of Spirit, coming to you fresh with your every breath, to perform every activity: from blinking your eyes to creating a business. Life is a gift, freely given, so you can bring the non-physical attributes of the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Source of your being into the physical world.

Through just being born, you have received all the attributes of Spirit in potential; all its beauty, harmony, health and wealth and all its infinite goodness, to express into this world according to your own wishes, talents and abilities. That is your highest purpose.

If you think your purpose is something physical you must do, a job, or an occupation – no, that’s not how it works. Your real purpose is to bring as much of the attributes of Spirit as you can down into the physical realm through your job, or occupation.

We have a body because action is always required in order to bring the invisible attributes of Spirit into the visible realm. So it doesn’t matter what we do, whether we paint or play music, whether we’re a carpenter, a philosopher, an actor or a parent just caring for their children. If we do what we do with the consciousness of bringing the divinity we are into the physical world, we are accomplishing our purpose. We are being of service in some way, to some part of life. Because we have smiled at a stranger, they will feel seen, acknowledged or motivated enough to become the best version of themselves they can be.

Are you living your life in your highest consciousness, or blaming others, the economy, life, or even yourself for your lack of success, overwhelm, and yes, sometimes even despair? That’s victimhood. And it’s not congruent with the magnificence of the spiritual being you are.

You are a sovereign being, free to express, or not, the attributes of Spirit – that are also yours – in any way you want; it’s your choice, through the gift of free will.

Choose wisely, in alignment with your Source. The outcomes of your choices will tell you exactly where you stand: whether you have acted as a spiritual being of love, or as a human being in ego. Become aware that just as past choices have created your present experiences, present choices are creating your future experiences. This awareness, also called taking responsibility, is a first step towards creating experiences you most want.

Life is really very simple if we don’t over-complicate it. Doing the best we can without first turning to our Source leads to sometimes good, sometimes bad experiences. But if we pray, meditate, ask for guidance and only then, from that place of unity with our Source we do our best, our experiences will get better and better.