Your life is your soul’s life, so your desires are your soul’s desires, when not distorted by human judgments and experiences. Know you are a soul, not just a body, and that is a huge shift in your belief system.

When you try to resolve your issues simply from the viewpoint of being the body, sometimes the result is not what you expected. Because that belief is fundamentally flawed, and a life built on a false premise must, at some point, malfunction. Just as a house built on a faulty foundation must, at some point, collapse.

Some measure of success can be achieved even with a faulty premise, but it’s never permanent, and you will always live in fear of losing what you have manifested, or not achieving what you want. Placing all your desires only on the physical level does not guarantee success; however, placing your physical desires on the level of the feeling that they would engender when you have things, cannot fail.

The only permanence resides in the invisible, spiritual world of consciousness and feeling, and those feelings of joy, happiness, peace, safety and fulfillment that you cultivate will bring you the actual physical stuff that will give you more of those feelings. Imagination is a great tool: imagine already having those things you are lacking to activate the joyful feelings and detach from the picture you are holding in your mind – because what will come may be something very different, but even better than what you have imagined.

Then celebrate what you have received, instead of reproaching the Universe for not giving you the thing you envisioned – which might have turned out to be a huge block in your moving forward in life.

We never really know what is good for us, so while still desiring certain things, let’s just set the intention to accept everything presented to us as a huge gift, even if we don’t yet know how or why it’s a gift, and even when it doesn’t look like one.