Intuition can come to you in many different ways, depending on your individual make-up. Some people call it your gut-feeling, others call it the inner knowing, or they see images in their mind’s eye.  It can be just a feeling you have that you should, or should not, do what is in front of you.  

Whatever it is, it’s best to follow your intuition, rather than what people say, or maybe what you have learned from books or seen on TV.  Because those are all external sources of information, that may or may not be right, since they only have partial knowledge. All the time, things that were the right thing to do in the past suddenly become wrong, because of some new scientific discovery, or new information that has come to light.

But intuition comes from a higher source than data and information.  It comes direct from the Source of All That Is, Spirit or God, which contains all the information of the whole Universe, and can be relayed to us if we ask the Divine within us to guide us.  Many people turn to their Guides and Angels for help, and that is the same thing, since those Angels are a part of Divinity in the spiritual world. 

Divinity is able to arrange things in the material world through human beings who inhabit it, and who turn to that Divinity for assistance. So many times, we sincerely ask for something seemingly impossible, and pretty soon, something happens that puts that very thing on our path. Or we ask, get an inkling of what to do, follow it, and realize that “completely by accident”, you were at the right place, at the right time, to meet that person who had the exact information you needed, or who would introduce you to another person who offered you your dream job!

There have surely been times in your life when you realized that had you driven your normal way back home, you would have been stuck in traffic for hours! But something told you to turn down another street, and you did, getting home just as quickly. Only later, you heard about the pile-up on your usual route. 

There are also things that happen that you will never know about, but that by following your intuition and turning left instead of right, some kind of disaster had been averted. The Divine is orchestrating whole solar systems – can you doubt it is also orchestrating everything that happens on a planet? And even in your life?

So always ask; ask for material things; ask for everyone on the road to be safe; ask for joy and comfort in the place you’re going into; and give thanks for the roadblock that made you late for catching your flight! Don’t wait until you hear that the plane you were going to catch crashed, and there were no survivors. 

Gratitude for everything that appears is a recognition of your trust that the Divine is always orchestrating things for you, never against you. That trust is the guarantee that your life is flowing more smoothly than it otherwise would be.