How often do we find ourselves triggered or upset by the views and beliefs of others? Every time it happens, we are setting ourselves up in opposition to someone else, we are fueling a “fight” energy instead of fueling a “peace” energy.

When we understand that fighting against anything has never resolved any issue, then we can begin to start changing our perspective about why others seem to be acting in an unconscious way. They must also be thinking we are acting in an unconscious way, and if we both stick to those perspectives, we can never resolve any issue. 

What if we tried to shift our viewpoint of them or the situation?  We can NEVER shift another’s viewpoint, unless they are willing to defer to us, which is pretty rare, and even if they do, it will only last as long as it’s convenient for them to adopt your perspective, and when that’s no longer the case, they revert back to what suits them best.

While we can absolutely and easily change our thoughts about what is triggering us.

Imagine being upset and frustrated by someone who does not seem to be at all concerned, or even interested, in environmental issues, or the disappearance of forests, or cruelty to animals – or whatever issue is for you, really important, even critical for our very survival on this planet.

What if the person was just now recovering from a deep trauma or life-long despair, their life was just starting to look a little less hopeless and their ability to become engaged in anything outside of that was, for the time being, just not possible?

Everything is a matter of perspective.  How open will you allow your perspective to be? 

The person that snaps at you when standing in a queue at the post office because you were a little too close for their liking, are they really trying to ruin your day on purpose? Maybe they just heard a loved one had just died from the Coronavirus, and they were simply afraid?

 The driver that cut you off in traffic, was he just an irresponsible jerk, or was he just trying to get to hospital as quickly as possible because he had heard his wife had been taken to hospital by an ambulance, and not given any other details?

Your reaction, both outward and inward, to what happens determines how happy or unhappy your experience will be.  And I think we all want to live as happy a life as possible, so whether your interpretation of an event or situation is true or not, is beside the point. Let’s just adopt the one that will make you feel good!

What’s important, is what state of mind will your interpretation induce in you?  An allowing and peaceful state, or an angry, resentful, or vengeful one?  Will you be adding to the Light of the world by your internal state of being, or adding to the darkness?

And remember, all outer conflict and negativity you see is just a reflection of the inner conflict going on within you, between what your Spirit is, and what your human ego is feeling or doing. -When that is healed within us, there can be no more negativity outside.