So many are being angered by the confinement measures that are physically being imposed on them, without realizing that it is our consciousness of separation from each other, and separation from the Earth itself, that is the true cause of the COVID-19 virus and the resulting measures that we are taking to stop its spread.

Social distancing is a metaphor for how we have been activating the consciousness, and living in separation from one another. That separation was in consciousness, not visible, but so real nevertheless.  It had to be brought up into full visibility, so that we could experience how painful it is not to be able to approach others, give them a hug, speak with them openly without a mask to distort our words and hide our face.

We don’t like that outer separation from each other, but were not conscious of how our inner separation from each other has finally produced the outer separation, to make us aware that we urgently need to heal the inner separation, before the outer effect can be healed. 

Because it won’t be, unless we recognize the Oneness of all life, be it human, animal, all nature, the air and water, and start acting for the good of all, not only looking after our little selves and our personal well-being.   COVID will keep recurring, as well as other hardships that we can’t even imagine, until the inner distancing we have been practicing for years is healed.

The us against them!  Separation between rich and poor, separation between religions, separation between the educated and the less educated, between black and white and yellow and brown, separation between genders!  We need to recognize we are all members of one family, humanity, and start supporting, loving, and respecting nature, the earth, and every creature and being that shares this planet with us. We are the stewards of the Earth, the gardeners of nature, not its assassins!

As co-creators with the energy of God, Spirit, Divinity, we have created the experiences we are now going through, but we can create better experiences if we so choose.  If we turn to the Spirit within us and ask for guidance on how to bring forth the qualities of Spirit, kindness, understanding, appreciation and respect instead of anger, hate, intolerance and fear, that mindset will start clearing all the unwanted situations we have created. 

But we have to want to do it and start living the qualities of Spirit, not those of our human ego.  It is time to transform our consciousness of being just a person, into being an expression in form of Divinity.