Just recently, this question was asked of me, and I almost had to smile; because the answer lies within the question.

We have continual problems because we focus on problems and project them into our future. I am not denying problems exist, because they do. But how much of the time we spend on re-hashing and thinking of our problems is actually spent on finding constructive and doable ways and means to solve them?

If we’re honest, not very much! Mostly, we are being resentful and blaming the person or circumstance responsible for it; blaming ourselves for being so stupid or gullible; thinking of all the bad things that might happen as a result; remembering similar bad past events … on and on, making you feel more disempowered, helpless and a victim.

The path to finding a solution lies first, in looking at what you can do NOW, in this very moment, to resolve your problem. Usually, nothing, or you would be doing it. Until you can actually do something, your best course is in changing your thoughts to ones that lift your vibration to where you can access better solutions.

Notice the feelings you are having, of fear, anxiety, anger or frustration, – maybe even all of them- and realize you are not those feelings. You are observing them, observing your experience, and you remember you are a spiritual being, not just the human personality.

You can choose to think different thoughts, that will lead to different feelings. Don’t resist anything, relax your mind and body, surrender to your spiritual self that is observing and ask questions such as these:

How am I supposed to grow because of this experience? If all life is for me, never against me, and I know this is true, how is this situation helping me?
What is the greater potential that’s trying to emerge because of this experience?
What is right about this situation that so far, I haven’t seen?
What qualities must I activate and express to really feel free, even in the midst of this?
Start contemplating such questions, without necessarily answering them; because they turn your mind to possible positive outcomes, and raise your vibration out of the frequency of the problem to a frequency where solutions lie. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”, said Einstein. So we lift our vibration by asking empowering questions that elicit a positive response, and we will start seeing solutions that were not visible when at the vibration of the problem.

And whatever is your problem or experience, if you ask and feel into, “How does it get better than this?” then if your experience was bad, something better will come to mind; and if it was good, something even better will appear.

When you rise into your true identity as Divinity and act from that place, you are always fully supported, fully supplied, inspired and powerful. But you must know it and live it, in the face of every appearance that shows you otherwise. Remember, it’s just an appearance – and they change.