We have been made in the image and likeness of God, and God has created everything in existence from the energy that is God – and so, we also are creators. Not on the scale of creating Universes, but on the scale of creating our own experiences in our own world on earth.

We are always creating something, whether consciously or unconsciously, but we can create much quicker and what we actually want, when we connect mentally, emotionally, and energetically to the over-arching wholeness and Oneness of God which is in fact all around us and within us, if only we could fully realize it. What we call God is called by many names, the Still Point, the Void, the Vortex, Divinity, Source Energy, the Quantum Field.

Since you exist, you are a part of the intelligence of Source Energy that is manifesting as all physical forms, from the smallest amoeba to the largest star, and so your body has been created in order to experience this world.

The creation of this world is going on all the time; the earth is changing all the time, and how it changes also depends on you, who are a part of it. Your consciousness and the use of your free will shape, to some degree, what appears in your world. What appears is dependent upon each and every one of us, because what we project into the world by our thoughts, beliefs and actions is what will manifest.

What each of us focuses on is important; because our collective thoughts create a field of energy, called a human morphic field inside of which we exist. That morphic field can be negatively, or positively influenced, depending on the number of people who hold generally positive, or generally negative thoughts and feelings.

Every thought and feeling each individual has is automatically added to the field, creating the balance in the field, influencing the whole of humanity towards the plus, or the minus sign. When we suddenly feel sad or frustrated or angry for no reason, it’s the field that has received a great influx of sadness, anger or frustration from a great number of people; and you are feeling that.

So the way to go is not give into it, not to try and find where it came from, just acknowledge it, and turn to happy and positive thoughts to counter-balance it. After all, it’s not as if something happened in your life that was sad; you can easily re-focus on how you want to feel, what you want to create in your life and for humanity that is beautiful and joyful, like peace between family members and all individuals; like abundance of joy and good health and financial freedom for everyone. Focusing on that will dissolve the negative feelings you received but did not allow to internalize.

Instead, you counter-balanced them with thoughts of peace, prosperity and harmony and when many people do that, you create a wave of happiness and joy in the morphic field of humanity that can bring more of that into the lives of those who have good reasons for being sad, or frustrated. Be the one who creates joy and harmony, to make the world you live in more joyful and harmonious.