Bring to mind any problem, any issue you presently have and notice where it is situated. It is always in the human, physical realm. Whether it’s to do with your work, your family, your finances, your body, you will see it’s all to do with your material life.

But you know you are more than your physical body, you are also a Spirit that’s just having a human experience. So the first shift to make is to start seeing things more from the perspective of Spirit.

1. The first step is to know the Truth. You know that Spirit, God, is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, infinite and eternal. That means there is nothing that is not an expression of that Spirit, so you are it.

Since it is all love, joy, harmony, strength, freedom, health, wealth, genius, beauty, happiness and an abundance of every good thing, you are also all those things. But they are dormant until you activate them. That means acting in accordance with your deep knowing.

You can be happy, free, prosperous and wealthy regardless of your physical state. As best you can, bring to mind every truth you know about God, and know it is the truth about you.

2. The second step is, stay in that deeply resonant space of you as Spirit. Perhaps you feel a little more peaceful, your anxiety has diminished; you’re starting to feel that all will be well.

Activating your connection with Spirit raises your frequency to a higher level than when you were feeling unfairly treated, unloved or the victim of circumstances. Now you can ask: “How is this painful situation serving me?” You can do this because you know that as Spirit, you have designed this scenario for yourself so you can expand to a higher level. You don’t remember it now, but you know it’s true.

So you don’t resist, you don’t fight, and keep asking: what is God’s vision for my life now? What’s right about this situation that I’m not seeing? Just contemplating such a question will lead you to some insights, to a new perception, to some action you can take that wasn’t apparent before.

3. And the third step is, TRUST! You have planted the seed of knowing the Truth, you have nourished it by resting in a space resonant with Spirit and started seeing more from the perspective of Spirit.

Now you trust that you will be guided in taking appropriate action, and taking it from a place of inspiration, not desperation. You trust that Spirit will keep showing you one step after another; you don’t let in any thoughts of “why isn’t it here yet?” bring your vibration down again. You know your desire is a command to life, that it has been answered, and it will show up in reality at exactly the right time.

And so you stay in the high vibration of one with Spirit.