Whatever you think you have too much of, or not enough of, if you can trust that Life, all-pervading, immortal good, is always conspiring for your highest and greatest good, simply because you are part of Life, which would never act against any part of Itself, then you would not judge yourself. 

And in that lack of judgment Love would arise instead; and appreciation of every circumstance, whatever it looks like to you. Because what it looks like is a judgment, and we have just established that you need to trust life and so will never judge it in any way. 

Circumstances are simply an opportunity for you to choose another perception, one more aligned with the Truth of your Being, and that Truth is, you are a perfect, in the sense of whole and complete, not in the dualistic sense of perfect vs. imperfect. 

So you are made in the image and likeness of God, Consciousness, Life and Love which are all synonymous, immaterial and spiritual, since God is Spirit. Therefore the Real You, the one made in the image and likeness of God must be invisible, like Love, Life and Consciousness also are invisible, without a beginning or an end, outside of time and space, and so infinite, eternal and everywhere present all at the same time. You are that infinite eternal Being, a part of Spirit. 

The temporal you is just a material projection of that Real You into the bubble of time and space solidified into materiality, where material laws of existence apply; while the Real You only recognizes spiritual laws. As the material self goes through life, from childhood to teenage to adulthood and beyond, its different aspects become more important at different times of life. 

That’s not to say the other aspects disappear as certain qualities gain more prominence; they are always there, but need to be balanced with what’s most important for your growth at any given time. None of them must be judged ever; the more prominent ones mustn’t be judged as too much, overbearing, inconsiderate or unkind; the less prominent ones as not enough, weak, inferior, faulty, or second-best. 

All the aspects of you are equal, and absolutely necessary for you to emerge as the whole Being you spiritually already are, but because of certain life experiences you have undergone, you have misjudged some of them as bad or unwanted. When you recognize how they have served you, in spite of your judgment and rejection of them, in helping to develop some of your best qualities which make you liked and appreciated by others, and allow your life to flow smoothly in certain areas, you will humbly ask for their forgiveness and re-integrate them as equal players on your team, together with all the so-called positive aspects.