Our sense of individuality becomes our identification and creates our experience. Our journey in this world is meant for us to uncover who and what we are as God, as life, as love from the place of being an individual.  Just as God’s journey into experience and individuality is through a soul incarnating.

I remember this story of a little four-year-old whose mother had just had another baby, and who was always trying to sneak into the room to be alone with his little brother. The mother was not sure about that, thought maybe he was jealous and would do some harm to the baby, but was curious, so finally pretended not to notice him going in. Then quietly opening the door to listen, she heard the boy say to the baby:  “I know that you’ve just come from God, so you still know what it was like there; I want you to tell me again, because now I am beginning to forget!”

At this point in time we are still more identified with our individual personality, but more and more through meditation, spiritual practices and higher understanding, we are coming back to the Truth of our Being. We are both Spirit, and human beings.  It’s not an either/or, it’s both. 

When we replace the word “or” by “and”, we are getting closer to the truth.  Instead of saying “I’m either God, or a human being” we start saying:  “I am God, and a human being”.  But there is still a little bit of separation in that statement. So the next stage is replacing the word “and” by “as“: “I am God, as a human being”. Then, there is no more separation. When we begin to feel that, the way we act and show up in the world becomes really different.

That’s how we can bring the attributes of Spirit down into the physical world and truly create Heaven on Earth, and that is what all great Masters like Jesus and Buddha, were demonstrating to us.

They were showing us how to actualize God consciousness in and as an individual.  “These things, and even greater things than these shall ye do” was what Jesus said and I am paraphrasing, but that’s the essence of it. We are meant to do everything Jesus did, and even greater things than He did. He was an example to follow, not a guru to be worshipped. 

When we see the good not only in ourselves, but in our children, our family, friends, and slowly expand it to everyone we see or even hear about, we are cleaning up our consciousness. Bit by bit, we are dissolving the human consciousness that was stopping Spirit’s infinite Light from shining through us, and we become the Light that spreads Love regardless of appearances.