There are many changes happening, and we don’t much like having to change our ways of doing things, and our ways of being, so the first reaction we have is thinking it’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, in one word, bad! And we start commenting on it, detailing all the aspects of it that are not as good as before, and that also goes where our health is concerned. 

New energy coming in is bringing changes, but they are not necessarily bad, even if they are unknown; and if it’s true that we are not separate from the divine energy we call Source, Love, or God, and that therefore we all have within us the infinite joy, health, wealth, love, harmony and peace of that Source of life, then, when we’re not feeling that, we must activate it.  By thinking thoughts of love, prosperity, health and happiness, and expressing them in our conversations and interactions with others. Even when appearances don’t show us that.

When we get a cold, or a fever, or the ‘flu, the first thing we proclaim is, I have a cold! Or I have caught the ‘flu! That’s telling the Universe what you currently have and inviting more of it into your life. But what we don’t realize, is that very often they are simply detoxification symptoms, when the primary detox organs are not able to process the toxicity in the body, and have to be helped by the secondary ones, which are our skin, throat, nose, and sinuses. 

When you get those symptoms, it doesn’t cost you anything to think: I am now eliminating the toxic waste that has accumulated in me -Thank you body!  That’s showing allowance and gratitude, very high vibrations you’re activating, instead of the dejection and gloominess you’re feeling when getting sick. And then you go on with whatever you would normally do for your cold, but staying aware that this is, somehow, for your good.

You don’t have to know why or how it’s for your good, you just know it is. And you tell people, it’s okay, I’m just detoxifying! It won’t last long!  And you will be surprised at how quickly the symptoms will disappear. 

The same principle applies to when you feel you lack anything, don’t have enough: don’t scramble to get a better job, achieve more, attract abundance. The moment you take action from the belief that you are lacking, you have just bought into the belief that you’re separate from Source that has it all, so you also have it all, but just need to activate it.  And you do that by becoming still, remembering the Truth about you, that you are a part of Source that IS infinite abundance, peace, health, whatever you most desire.  Only when you feel that again, feel that inner assurance the Universe is looking after you, do you go and do what your intuition tells you is the best action to take.