Let your emotions move and clear!

The reason for many of our diseases, aches and pains is unprocessed energy that has become stuck and causes a distortion in our emotional body, which, over time, also impacts our physical body.

Our life would be so much smoother and easier if we remembered to say thank you for the service every part of the body is providing.  Since birth, all our organs, muscles, tissues, bones and ligaments have been serving us relentlessly, day and night, without any recognition from us, without a single “thank you” to the cells that make up the physical body, and have a consciousness.  We are taught to say “thank you” for a service rendered us by other people, but what about the little “people” that actually make up our being?

Even the parts that hurt are only telling us, in the only language they know, there is something in our thoughts or behavior that needs to change for them to become happier. Instead of which, as soon as any pain or discomfort arises, we turn on it as if it was something bad, something against us. We try to chase it away, make it disappear.  Instead of realizing that our thoughts may be toxic, or our food inappropriate, or we’re not giving the muscles enough exercise, or maybe too much exercise. Whatever it is, the first thing we need to do is listen to the body; try to discern the message being given.

Muscle-testing is a great way to receive answers; listening to your intuition, your gut-feeling about any situation is another. In some cases it’s necessary to seek the help of a doctor or one of the many kinds of alternative medicine practitioners we are blessed to have.  Energy healing, and clearing emotions that have not been allowed to move through the body and so have become stagnant, can also significantly help and sometimes completely eliminate physical symptoms and pain that no amount of medication could resolve.

But real, true healing comes through transforming our relationship with a condition that is painful or limiting.  The pain, or the inconvenience, is there to remind us that we are spiritual beings only inhabiting a physical body. Since our Source is omnipresent, there can be nothing outside of it and so our condition is necessarily within it, to be our spiritual teacher even if we don’t like the way the teaching is being delivered.  We must become willing to embrace it as a gift for our continued evolution. When the gift has been recognized, and fully and sincerely accepted, the messenger bringing it, the pain or discomfort, can then go away.