Mostly we equate “abundance” with having a lot of money.  But really, it’s far more than that.  It’s having a lot of anything, good, bad or indifferent.  But what we have an abundance of is determined by our overall vibration; and  also by our ability to receive; because unless we are open to receiving, whatever comes does not stay, or stick to us. 

Gratitude, more than anything else, enables us to be open to receiving. In receiving, you might also receive more clarity about what your limiting beliefs are that are keeping away what you truly want. Then the first step is to acknowledge that you have created those beliefs at some point in the past, for the purpose of protecting yourself from harm,  or you were too little to fully understand the situation and be able to deal with it. So it got hidden away in your sub-conscious for you to be able to continue your evolution. 

The next step is to recognize that belief has been instrumental in you developing many other qualities that have served you well in your life up to now, so it’s really been an ally, not an enemy; you can thank it for all it has allowed you to accomplish, be grateful, but also recognize that its usefulness is a thing of the past, and you have now grown to a place where you no longer need that belief; now it’s more of a hindrance than a help.

Be grateful for all the learning and accomplishments it has provided and with that, release it from your consciousness and your energy field; ask your team of Guides and Angels to help you completely dissolve it and fill all the spaces left with the love and light of your soul, that is just waiting for a possibility to pour more of itself into your field, as soon as you create space for it. 

Then more abundance of the things you really want can come into our life since they are no longer blocked by the lower vibrations of you feeling not good enough, or fearful, or not going for what you want, or apprehensive of what people will think of you or say.  You will confidently move towards what you have always wanted to create or do, and make sure you notice all the little ways in which life is now supporting you, and feel grateful for those. Whether it’s more financial abundance, or helpfulness from friends or strangers, or just smiles when before, there seemed to be indifference.

As you release all your limiting beliefs one by one, whatever they are, life will start flowing more smoothly, obstacles will dissolve all by themselves as soon as you recognize them as opportunities to change some belief, some perception that you hold about them, allowing for a higher and truer perception of what they really are.