When asking for guidance, or wanting to know what our soul wants for us, rather than what our ego wants, and having all kinds of thoughts about it, we need to have discernment as to which to choose as our truth. 

Knowing what your soul wants can be tricky, since usually, it doesn’t speak to you audibly, doesn’t show you pictures, doesn’t have any material way of telling you what to do. And for me, one good way is paying attention to my feelings.

So let me give you a very simple way of feeling what your soul’s choice is.  Let’s say – two different organizations have offered you a job, and you have a hard time deciding which to take.  They both have great positive aspects, and a few drawbacks. Or think of any two options you may have in your life right now and don’t know which to choose.

You could even imagine two situations you could be in, where you simply don’t know how to act.  Take a moment, a minute or so, to think of that thing where you don’t know what to decide. And let’s do an exercise. 

Sit comfortably and take seven slow breaths, deep but easy; and just follow each breath with your attention, in right down into your abdomen, and completely out.  Or you could even imagine a nose at your root chakra, and you’re breathing in and out through that nose.  This connects you to your Spirit, to its Cosmic Intelligence that is aware of everything in creation.  

Now, bring the first of these options into your awareness, imagine yourself in that place, doing things, interacting with the people, having conversations. How does that make you feel?  Don’t label it, just become aware if it feels a bit heavy, sluggish,  or light and pleasant.  Notice, does it bring a smile to your face, or a frown? 

Now get up or look out of the window, think of something else to create a break and sit down again. Take a few more deep breaths, focusing on the movement of air in and out, then bring to mind the second option; see yourself in that other place or situation, with those other people, doing whatever you would be doing. How does that feel now? Is it a light, happy feeling or a heavy one? 

Even if both options feel good, almost always there will be a slight difference between the two; and go with the feeling that feels lighter, and happier. But sometimes, really not often, both options feel heavy, and you couldn’t distinguish between them.  If that was the case, then neither of them is for you, at least, not at this time. You need to search for something else! 

And if they were both light and joyful, then either of them will get you to where you want to go! But as I said, usually you will feel a difference, even if it’s a slight one. That’s following your intuition, and alignment with Source always feels light and happy.