Life is good! Life is abundant! Life is harmony and every so-called “good” quality of Source Energy is flowing all the time through and around us and all Nature, but why do we feel that we are always lacking something? Lacking love, health, prosperity, all the things we want? 

In a nutshell, it’s because we are identifying with the “self” that is called by our name, with its material body and its personality that is born into the construct of duality, where there are always two possibilities, on a spectrum: one end good, one end bad, and very many different states in between. 

However, we are also a different “Self” that is born of an idea in the mind of this Source of all life, a spiritual Self, invisible because made of the substance of God, Consciousness, which is invisible and residing in the Timeless and Spaceless, in the absoluteness of Unity with its Source where there is only goodness, wholeness, completeness and perfection. 

That Self has never descended into duality and when we focus our attention on knowing we are also that, we will experience more of the goodness inherent in that; while we are usually focused in the world of duality, on the body and personality, where admittedly good things do exist, but also things we like less. And our attention is usually captured by all the things that look bad, make us afraid, lacking, or unhappy.

Then we start working hard on trying to get rid of them, pushing them away, and all of that is giving them more of your attention, and they thrive on our attention!  Also remember that the harder you push something away, the more it sticks to you.  So all our hard work is going in the wrong direction.

When we could actually disregard the apparent problem as much as possible and choose to focus on what is actually true, that we are surrounded with the allness and perfection of Divine energy and ask, Why am I choosing not to let that in, choosing not to receive the goodness that is always there?

So for example, If it is love you are trying to “”get”, it means that you are feeling a lack of love. And trying to get love from a place of not having love will only give you more of what you are feeling, which is, no love.  So you can either remember that God is Love, and you are made of the substance of love, and you have all that love within you to be activated by starting to love everything in your life, your pets, your plants, the fact you have a house, a refrigerator filled with food, just start being grateful for all you have, instead of focusing on what you don’t. Just start giving the love you think you’re lacking, and see how quickly it grows!

Or you can start asking, Why do I feel not loved? And whatever the answer is, ask again, Why? Why do I feel that?  or, Why did that answer come to me? Doing that again and again would take you back to the original cause of that feeling, usually early in childhood, and then, with your adult mind, you can discern how that is no longer true for you the adult, and dissolve it with love and compassion.