7 awarenesses never to forget! Part 1/7

The person you are is determined first by your thoughts, that trigger your feelings, that make you act in a certain way. It is not outside circumstances that determine your feelings; they just bring up what was already in you, the patterns you have formed from early childhood, which have been reinforced by your life experiences.

As Wayne Dyer has so eloquently said, when you squeeze an orange, only orange juice comes out. Because that’s what is in it. When life squeezes you, only what is already inside of you comes out.

It is really hard to see that all our experiences – especially those that are painful and unwanted – only exist so we can expand our understanding of life, our way of being in this world to include our spiritual identity. Mostly, we live from the human viewpoint. And that is okay, we are also human. But we must not forget we are first and foremost Consciousness, another way of saying we are spiritual.

Imagine being born into a world where everyone was only using the right side of their body, totally forgetting the left side. Our ability to perform tasks, to walk, not to mention if we were only using one side of our brain – would be severely limited. Since everyone is like that, we don’t know any better, and we get along, we develop ways of doing what is necessary for our survival and well-being. We simply don’t know what else would be available if we started thinking differently, using more of what we have, but don’t use.

Then one person realizes he has two arms, but is only using one; he has two legs, but only jumps around on one. He decides to start using more of what is available to have a better life.

It all starts with wanting something different, something more. With being willing to think differently from everyone else, even if we are laughed at and ridiculed, because we can’t yet actually do what we say and believe is possible. We keep trying, don’t give up, consistently practice what we decided is possible.

It’s hard, it requires will power and intention, imagination, determination, a consistent practice in the face of multiple failures. It takes a knowing you will succeed because you are more than you thought possible – when or how is not a concern. You start getting small results, which encourage you to try even harder.

Some are inspired and follow your lead, others don’t and either disbelieve your results, or refuse to see they could also achieve them. You must be special – they say. You must be different- they say. You have abilities I don’t have. That is simply not true.

We can improve most of our prevalent conditions by not blaming anyone or anything, least of all ourselves, for what is happening. Then by changing our current relationship with that condition, looking at it as our teacher to make us grow.

If it’s a physical condition, send every cell that is in pain, uncomfortable, or in distress, your recognition and your love. Love is the vibration that heals anything. Use your discernment when seeking the assistance of doctors and alternative medicine; know you are the authority over everything in your life, including your body.

Become aware that you are far more than your body – you are its animating principle that is forever perfect and infuses its perfection into you with every breath you take.

The next awareness to remember is coming in two weeks!