After a whole month of feeling like our whole world is falling apart, that we can no longer do things like we used to, and yet, where are we now? We’re still alive, still functioning, we’ve realized that not giving a hug to our friends doesn’t “unfriend” them, we can still extend our love by speaking with them on the phone or Skype. For many of those who have been stopped from doing the things that brought them income, they have found other means of helping in this crisis. Or they have been helped by Government loans.

None of us have died of hunger or malnutrition, none of us have died because a bomb has fallen on our building; and I honor those who, unfortunately, have died of the virus, since on a level we’re unaware of, they have chosen that way of exiting life so as to continue being of the greatest service that they can be, because of their passing!

Choosing that way, they have made millions of humanity more conscious of what is really important in life, and that is, love for one another, support for one another, cooperation with one another, appreciation of what we have, even if it may not be as much as we had before of material stuff, like canned and frozen foods, or toilet paper!

I have not gone to get any of that “stuff” that seems to be missing from the shelves when the scare started and I am doing fine, with fresh veggies, bread and cheese that a friend brings me every week. Now I keep the newspapers and unwanted publicity in my mailbox, just in case there is still no toilet paper when I run out. Let’s use what we have, and we won’t be dismayed by lack!

We can get creative with what we have on the material level, and we will find that most things we’ve been used to having are not essential – the one most essential thing to have is peace, harmony, joy, gratitude and abundance within ourselves – not necessarily abundance of physical stuff, but an abundance of friendship, of joy, of caring, and when we have that, everything we need will also be ours, as a side-benefit of achieving that high vibration within ourselves.

Those vibrations are Light, and when we have it within ourselves, then we can anchor it into the world around us, by simply knowing and acknowledging that there can be nothing but the Light; regardless of appearances. Because everything was made of Light right in the beginning, by the command of Divine Energy: “Let there be Light!” Everything that exists is made of that Light.

But it has simply been obscured, covered up by the belief in duality, the belief there is good, and there is evil. Then came the out-picturing of that evil, as well as the good, into physical form through our thoughts, feelings and acts. But when we start knowing and acknowledging that everything is a creation of Light, and therefore has at its core the Divine spark, then our firm, sincere belief in that, together with our call to that Light to show itself, will start uncovering the light that is within each manifestation, however it appears.

No virus will be able to attach itself to you when you vibrate at that high level.