We seem to be living in a world of continual crisis of one kind or another, personal crisis, global crises, even cosmic crises with planets being hit by meteors and stars dying – but those don’t affect our life on a day-to-day basis. We can be peaceful about those!

But notice that when a seeming cosmic disruption occurs, when on occasion a star implodes or explodes, it does not disturb the fundamental workings of law and order of the Universe. It forms stardust and meteorites which reform themselves again as planets and stars. Without that seemingly destructive event – and on one level, it is destructive – a new order is created and something different, just as beautiful, is born.

And we are told: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” Whether you place the invisible energy from which are formed all things up above in Heaven or down below underlying all visible manifestation, the message is the same. Everything is One, and it is all good – in accordance with Law.

On earth, when an old system or an old way of doing things no longer serves the needs of the people, we also see temporary chaos and disorder, creating something better.

When a two-lane road is no longer enough, and traffic has become slow and congested, a 4-lane motorway has to be built. Much heavy machinery is brought in occupying one of the two lanes, trees and bushes are uprooted, the earth excavated, stones, gravel and cement is laid down, the noise is ear-splitting, it’s dusty and in so many ways, things are so much worse than before. Not to mention traffic even slower now. But that is just temporary; if we are patient, bear with it, allow it, knowing something better will emerge in due course, then we can be peaceful even when things are difficult.

Where the building of a road is concerned, you know that the ultimate outcome will be good, and even if you are inconvenienced, you can take it in your stride. You are patient, you are not fearful it will be like that forever, you can trust that something much better will ultimately result, however long it takes.

But when you are personally inconvenienced by an accident, a disease, losing your savings or feeling betrayed by your partner, that trust that says something better will come out of this situation is no longer there, simply because you can’t see the long-term outcome. But you not seeing it doesn’t change it. The ultimate good outcome is always there in the invisible Quantum Field of energy, just waiting for you to know it’s there, feel its presence and be grateful for it appearing in your visible world at the very best time for your highest good.

Knowing this, be peaceful about whatever your current challenge is; rest in the feeling of all being well and go about your day without letting any doubt or fear disturb your equanimity.


Background picture: Stockunlimited