We have our individual minds; there is also a collective mind, and there is a God-mind that sees only Itself, its own perfection expressed as absolute Love, Wisdom and Power present everywhere, infinitely and eternally.

The collective mind is finite, made up of the sum of what individual minds have thought and believed throughout the centuries. Some of those thoughts and beliefs are true – when they pertain to the absolute Truth of the mind of God, and those can never change. While others are just beliefs fashioned by individual minds from a consciousness of separation from the divine – the first, basic false belief from which stem all the others.

Our individual minds are also finite and so cannot understand infinity, eternality and omnipresence. We were given them so we could function and be safe in the dense physical world, observe it and process the information gathered. Generally, our minds only know and remember things that have happened in this lifetime, even if more and more often, there are children who come in with a remembrance of their other lifetimes. But everyone has the capacity to look at any appearance that manifests, and question the meaning that appearance has. Is the meaning that first comes up in your mind really, really true – or could it be something else?

When you look at the horizon in the distance, it appears that everything just stops there, that there is nothing beyond, and so, that the earth is a flat disc. At one time, that was a belief held by everyone until one brilliant mind questioned it, and brought proof that overturned that belief.

For the most part, we still believe that we are physical beings functioning in a physical world experiencing pain and distress of every kind and that changing our conditions must take time – if it can be done at all. That is a belief, and we are experiencing our beliefs: Over 2000 years ago we have already been told: “As you have believed, so will it be done for you.” Whatever we believe, we experience. So in order to have a better or a different experience, we must change our belief about it.

If you are willing to look, you will find ample proof of your perfect spiritual nature in your own life. But you must be committed to finding the Absolute Truth, not just relative truths, and consistently practice seeing that Truth everywhere, no matter what appears to your physical senses. The 5 senses only see, hear, taste, smell and touch the manifested reality, while your heart-feelings will connect you with your true spiritual nature.

We no longer know how to just feel, without involving our mind in the process. When we feel sad, it’s because… whatever! When we feel angry, joyful or confident, it’s because… whatever! Instead, just feel the feeling in your body, BE with it, allow it, accept it with love, acceptance and compassion. Don’t push it away, don’t find reasons for it, don’t even name it. Just sit, and feel the feeling, observe and allow it to be; and if it is not the Truth about you it will start dissolving; while if it is the Truth, it will grow stronger.

When something hurts, whether physically, emotionally or mentally, it’s just because it is not the Truth about You, the divine You. It is just showing you the way back to remembering the true You, that unconditionally loves and accepts all of you. Filter what your mind says through your divinity before accepting all it says as truth.