Most of us have struggled with forgiving wrongs that we have suffered at the hands of others and wanted to get back at them in one way or another.  At the very least, we secretly hoped that the same would happen to them, or that God, by whatever name we call the divine, would punish them for the wrongdoing!

How to forgive has always been a problem, and I am excited to tell you that my book Forgiveness – A Path to Create Miracles has just been published, which will give you a complete road-map of how to achieve the sometimes seemingly impossible feat of forgiveness. 

But for now, I just want you to understand that whatever has happened to you, it’s absolutely possible to change your perception about it when you look at the actual facts without any judgment. 

When we feel betrayed by our partner, the fact is, they turned to someone else than you for comfort and understanding.  When money was stolen, the actual fact is that someone in need of money took what was available in the moment of need. 

Apply that same reasoning to anything that has happened to you, so that you start seeing what the facts are without projecting a judgment as to whether it’s something good, or bad; whether you like it or don’t like it. 

That does not mean you condone the action; does not mean that you don’t seek redress; that you don’t have an open conversation with them; does not mean that you don’t denounce the person to the appropriate authorities to stop any further harm they might do.  

But it does mean that you can move on with your life without the feelings of anger, resentment, hate, outrage, sadness, or whatever else you may be feeling that makes your life miserable.  Because what makes you miserable are your thoughts and feelings about what has happened, not what has happened. And you are the only person in charge of your mind, your consciousness; what to think, say, feel, and do.

Nobody, and no circumstance can make you feel anything, when you know you are Divinity expressing through a physical form and it’s only your physical form that has been impacted. Make it your job to give to yourself all the love, respect, validation, and compassion that the other person was unable or unwilling to give you, and so rise into your spiritual identity.  

Know you are a Soul to which nothing can be added, and from which nothing can be taken away, you are whole and complete, so have no compulsive need of anything, and the actions you are called to take will be motivated by this new identification. 

Inside of you, you are now free from the belief that anyone owes you anything, that anyone is the source of your safety, security, joy, or abundance.  And then forgiveness is automatic, you don’t even have to say the words – it is the Spirit inside of you that forgives because it sees no wrong.  You just feel the happiness of being One with that Spirit. 


How to forgive has always been a problem, and I am excited to tell you that my book Forgiveness – A Path to Create Miracles has just been published, which will give you a complete road-map of how to achieve the sometimes seemingly impossible feat of forgiveness.