It seems like wanting things occupies our thoughts incessantly; it may be wanting material things, like the newest iPhone, or the trendiest outfit, or a bigger house, or more immaterial things, like success in business, certain aspects of character or abilities like confidence, trust, freedom, wisdom. Whatever it is, we always want something that we seemingly don’t have, or don’t have enough of.

And it also seems like things do appear in our lives, whether we want them or not. So wanting does not guarantee the thing we want will come to us, but not wanting it doesn’t stop it from appearing. We are forced to acknowledge that our desires seem to have very little to do with whether we get what we desire, or not.

Let’s take the viewpoint that what we don’t presently have, exists only in our imagination, not in our reality. So what we don’t have, doesn’t exist – at least, not in our reality. But what we do have, really exists here and now, and if we can spend more time being grateful for what we have, instead of focusing with regret on what we don’t have, then more good things can come into our life.

What we appreciate, appreciates!

What we focus on with joy and happiness tends to bring more joy and happiness into our life, but what we focus on with sadness, regret or resentment will tend to bring more of that into our reality. So it’s our state of consciousness in every moment of the day that is the most important component dictating the experiences we have.

We then add to that the esoteric truth that the underlying Reality of every appearance is infinite and eternal good, because that is God’s creation, while what appears wrong is our surface judgment and distortion of God’s Reality. Infinite Goodness cannot create anything that’s wrong. So now we search for how we can change our perception of what is appearing to make it align with God’s perception.

What is, is, and there is nothing we can do about it, because it already is. If we don’t like it, that’s our judgment of energy, which simply is. Neither good nor bad. We remember that at birth, we were given all the divine qualities of God to manifest them into the world. Even if we don’t know how a given situation can be viewed differently, we can always hold to the one truth of eternal perfection and say: God, Life, let me see through Your eyes, let me become the full expression of what You are!

That’s by-passing what the ego wants, and accessing all that God is, and has for us, more than we could ever dream of having.