Manifestation made easy

If truth be told, since the Universe always works for our highest good, we can only manifest things that are for our highest good – and we don’t always know what that is.

So trying to manifest a car, a better house, or a bigger paycheck – or even health for our body – sometimes works, and sometimes doesn’t, and we wonder why. What am I doing wrong, life is against me, I never get what I want….

I want to give you a more fool-proof way of achieving your desires, not by focusing on that car, house or money, but by focusing on the deeper why we want those things. Because what we really want, is how those things will make us feel, if we had them.

When we are focused on a material desire and it doesn’t manifest, we are unhappy, blame our job, the economy or even God for not listening to our prayers, and that lowers our vibration. In a low vibration, good things can’t manifest. We don’t notice what other good things appear in our life for which we could be grateful, and that would raise our vibration.

So instead of focusing so hard on the material thing you don’t have, and perceiving everything else you lack, focus on the emotion you would feel if you had it. Very probably you would be grateful, joyful, even elated. By feeling it often, you begin to anchor that vibration in your body, and that tells the Universe to bring you experiences and things that match your emotional state.

Notice that if you could feel the way you wanted to feel all the time, whether you got that specific thing you wanted or not, you would be just as happy. If your mind says “I won’t be happy unless I get that one thing” that’s just not true. Because you may get something different and/or better than the thing you desired, and then you are elated, forgetting all about the other thing you wanted.

The only reason why people try to attract specific outcomes or things, is because they want to have the feelings they think that outcome would bring them. So why not start with feeling those emotions right now by focusing on every little thing that is good in your world, and being grateful for it?

Anchoring joy and gratitude is the quickest way to becoming happy and then the things you desire can begin showing up in your world.

So from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, you can be happy and grateful for having two legs and being able to walk; for your ability to see and hear; for having a roof over your head; for a refrigerator filled with food; for having paved roads, electricity in your home, hot and cold water at the turn of a faucet. For the sun shining, for the rain falling.

There is no end to the things you can be grateful for if you really, sincerely go for it, and in addition you can then say: “and wouldn’t it be nice if that showed up for me!”

If that’s your practice and everyday focus, just watch how happy you become regardless of how many possessions you have, or don’t have. You may even find that NOT getting what you wanted was the best thing that ever happened to you…