Your intention for your day as you get up in the morning, and your attention throughout the day on the things that make you happy will determine the overall outcome of your day.

Before you even get out of bed, say your intention for the emotions you want to experience today. Remember, you are not in charge of what happens, you are only in charge of how you feel in every moment. And how you feel internally impacts your external life.

Set your intention to feel truly healthy, unequivocally wealthy, constantly joyful, totally successful, genuinely fulfilled and a spiritually-centered person. Emotions are not done to you, they don’t just happen, you generate them by what you focus on. You focus on something, make it mean something, and all of a sudden, you have an emotion attached to it. What you made it mean, your judgment, determines the feeling you have.

Let’s take your health. You are setting your intention to feel truly healthy, but you have that chronic back pain, or a sinus infection, or a disease. It doesn’t matter what you have, but as you wake up and start saying your intention, your attention immediately goes to that pain, disability, or condition that is less than healthy. And your intention becomes wishful thinking rather than an intention.

Don’t focus on the disturbing condition; instead, start scanning your body for any part that is healthy, that works well, that feels comfortable. Maybe your hand, or an ear, or your little finger. As you say “I am a truly healthy!” you focus on that little finger, and you actually feel truly healthy!

The next thing is, ” unequivocally wealthy”. That’s a big one – how do you feel wealthy when you don’t yet have your rent money due at the end of the month? Or when you have a credit card debt? Well, look at where you are truly abundant, truly wealthy, without any judgment attached to it.

And “without judgment” are the most important words here.

Just look at things without any judgment as to whether they are good or bad, and you will start seeing how abundant you really are. Look at the stack of unpaid bills on your desk: “Wow! I have an abundance of bills!” Look at your credit card debt and think: “I have an abundance of debt!” It may not be an abundance of what you want, but it certainly is abundance, if you don’t judge it.

Wealth and abundance are a divine quality, not a certain number of green bits of paper or a number written on your bank account. Every time you acknowledge your abundance honestly and authentically, without any judgment, it raises your vibration and unwanted things just let go of you; they can’t live in a high vibration of “I have”.

By having no judgment of whether it’s good or bad, and celebrating any abundance you can see in your life and life in general, you transform your subconscious mind from a state of lack into a state of abundance and over time, things you want and appreciate will start to appear in your life.

Apply that kind of mindset to all the emotions you want to experience during the day, and watch how your inner feelings start to transform appearances.