We are not used to appreciating ourselves for who we are, and everything we do. This is termed egotistical, arrogant, or even narcissistic by those around us, who do not realize who they really are, and who you really are. 

But if you know who you really are, not just as  your body and personality, but as an expression in form of the energy that created all forms, from the smallest insect to largest stars and galaxies, and keeps all the solar systems in orbit in a perfect dance around each other, that expression of Source energy is truly to be loved and appreciated.

Just as Source energy loves and appreciates you, its child and its creation, you can now love the Source of your being, love yourself and love every other manifestation of that Source.  That is unconditional, universal love that has nothing to do with being egotistical. 

But so often, instead of that, we judge ourselves, and judge others for being lacking, not good enough, unworthy, or incapable.  All those judgements are a program already in the human morphic field we have adopted, because of some life experiences early in our childhood, and have never re-examined our conclusions, to see if they are actually true. 

We believe there is something wrong with us, and that leads us into hiding, into not wanting to be visible, and not expressing the gifts we have received at birth from Source; and the world so much needs what we have.  Everyone alive right now, without exception, is a gift to the world, whether they know it or not. But when they know it, they can become so much more! 

We have chosen to be here at this time, knowing how important it is we show up as an expression of the Divinity that we are, to bring our love, gratitude, talents and abilities to those that don’t yet know who they really are. 

If you are able to truly love yourself at this deep level and be grateful for everything without exception, that frequency of love and gratitude will become your vibration that automatically radiates from you to all those whose lives you touch. Then you can bring your talents and abilities to materially help others, through what you do, and that will carry your frequency to them, elevating their consciousness. 

In order to embody that frequency, spend a few minutes, several times a day, standing in front of a mirror, gazing into your own eyes, and saying: “I love you! I love you! I love you!” over and over again, and really feeling it. Do it consistently, 2-3 minutes at a time, every time you take a bathroom break, even if it feels stupid at first.  Soon, you will start feeling the divine love from YOU to you, and from you to YOU, in an infinity loop that becomes the unity with your soul.  Then it can expand to unity with all manifestation.