So many of us want to move forward with their life, but say and feel that they are stuck, or that something is blocking them.  That may be their experience, but as expressions of Divinity Itself, we must realize this cannot be true.  

Divinity is never stuck, it is always and forever maintaining and sustaining Its creation perfectly, and that includes you, the Real You, the one within you that has all the power of Divinity, but that identifies as the small you, the one that is visible and tangible.

So what is blocking you, and all of us, is our identification with that small self, that truly has no power and is inadequate, not good enough and has been conditioned from birth to identify and think that it is just the body, the visible person that appeared in the world on the day of your birth and was given a name that you still carry. 

And yes, you are that person; but you are also so much more than that!  You are like an iceberg floating in the ocean with just maybe one-third of it visible above the water and two-thirds or more hidden under water, out of sight, but it is that invisible huge part of it that maintains the iceberg afloat.  

So the you that is visible has a huge part of itself hidden in the zjr ocean, the Quantum Field of Consciousness that maintains your existence and gives you  the energy that you need, the Life that allows you to think, speak and act in this “reality” above water, so to speak, and how you do it is your choice.

The more you realize the invisible spiritual part of you is the one providing you with all you need and the more you identify with that huge Self that is Omniscient, meaning it knows everything; Omnipotent, meaning it has all power, therefore there cannot be any power apart from It; and Omnipresent, meaning all of It is present everywhere and in everything. 

And therefore also present in you and as you, and as everything else in creation, and is maintaining the stars and suns in their orbits, is sustaining every expression of Life, whether it’s plants, creatures or beings on the planets; but when you have chosen to believe you are stuck, then you will remain stuck because “as you believe, so it shall be done unto you”. 

So there is always a next step to take, there are always choices in front of you; maybe your problem is, you don’t know which to choose?  Then recognize you are not stuck, you just need the courage to make a choice. Your response to what appears in your life determines the outcome you receive.  By always choosing the highest response you are capable of, you ensure better and better choices become available to you, and so life always moves you forward. 

So, look around you to see the palette of choices of what to do you have, and choose the one that is most aligned with the Divine qualities of love, harmony, peace and joy. Then watch, how quickly you get unstuck!