I subscribe to the hope-fulness of the times we are living in.  Because where your vibration is, there you are, and as you raise yourself up the vibrational scale, from depression, unworthiness, fear, insecurity, anger, blame, doubt, overwhelm, pessimism, boredom, to tolerance, contentment, hopefulness, positive expectation, enthusiasm, joy, empowerment, gratitude and love, you become happier. 

This list is not exhaustive, there are many more steps that could be put into the mix depending on our individual make-up, but you can see the progression.  The higher we are on that scale, the easier it is to make a connection with people of like mind.

None of us like to stay in the company of people who are sad, depressed of angry.  So to draw people to us who are joyful, loving and appreciative, we have to become like that first. 

But while we are alive on Earth, we are necessarily in duality, where both the good and bad are present.  Duality means Two-ness, it means that everything is relative to everything else, and only at the very top of the vibrational scale can we hope to attain Oneness, which means acceptance of everything just as it is, with no possibility of there being anything bad, because we all come from Source Energy which is Whole and One and therefore perfect as it is.  

With the Big Bang, a part of that Conscious Wholeness has split off and manifested time, space, visibility, two-ness and relativity, and so everything we see, hear, touch, taste and smell.  Including people, whose consciousness is high enough to start understanding where they came from and who they really are. That split was not a mistake, it occurred so as to develop all the various talents and abilities we have, and bring forth inventions that have made our trajectory in this visible world so much easier over time. 

We are all very different people, and have come from various parts of the Universe to incarnate here on planet Earth, which is now in its Ascension trajectory to becoming an enlightened planet, coming back into the Oneness it has split off from aeons ago, so as to bring all the goodness we have co-created with the energy supplied to us from Source since the beginning of Time. 

Everything less than good is now being brought into full visibility to be purified and returned to the original blueprint still existing at the core of each atom of what now appears as negative, or “bad”.  When we decided to put on this human suit, and forget we came from all parts of the Universe, it was because we then knew there was a potential for humanity to come back into Oneness. 

And we wanted to be the instruments for that Oneness to manifest now, at the appointed Cosmic time, and not let the humanity of Earth go through a 5th mass extinction, like it has four times before.   Now the potential of total destruction has been averted, and on the solstice of 2020 we have come fully into the Aquarian age and are on an upward spiral towards enlightenment, we call Ascension. 

There will still be challenges to meet and overcome, but we can face them with the certainty that if we stand for the Light, and for what is right but not necessarily convenient and comfortable, we are fully supported by the Cosmic energies now showering the Earth. And support is being withdrawn from anything not in alignment with Source energy, or Divinity.