These days, we hear a lot about raising our vibration to access a higher reality, maybe to improve our relationships, our health, any aspect of our life. And it is true, it does help in those areas where we feel we are lacking, or inadequate. But what is vibration, and how do we raise it often remains a mystery. Saying everything is vibration, although true, is not helpful.

What is helpful is knowing that a body vibrates at a certain overall frequency, which is an average of the frequencies of every part of the body, both physical and non-physical.  Our thoughts and emotions are also vibrations, and a part of our overall vibration as a person. 

When a part of our body, for whatever reason, is not vibrating at its optimal healthy frequency, it influences our overall well-being.  Getting a diagnosis informs us about which of our parts is ailing, and hopefully, what to do about it; but that is never complete information because it leaves out the non-physical parts of our body. The mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual and dimensional parts, and they are just as important as the physical part.

Our thoughts and emotions are the parts that we can most easily control, without the help of a doctor. At the root of 95% of all “diseases” lies a mental or emotional cause, which we can heal by changing our thoughts and emotions about the specific event, or the experience we are having. An event prompted a thought, which triggered a feeling, which if not processed in the moment would be stored in the body until we became evolved enough to understand the event, and decide to change its meaning for us, i.e., heal it.   

Which means that the heavy, anxious, sad, insecure, painful or negative frequency of a situation, which is slow, can be raised to a faster rate by thinking, and then feeling peaceful, non-judgmental, allowing, compassionate and loving about it.   Our frequency is raised by having a positive loving and joyful mindset even about situations that on the surface, appear really negative. 

We need to look under the negativity and find something, anything!   that could be positive about it.  With the pandemic, what could be the positive aspects?  That the pollution of the air and the water is diminishing; that there are way less deaths due to road accidents; that many people have taken up meditation practices that help them navigate their life better; what else? And what is it for you, personally?

Did the job you hated anyway, end, giving you an opportunity to start something that you enjoy?  Did your relationship with your partner of spouse get better because of the mutual support given? Or did it get worse, liberating both of you to start a new life in some respects more difficult, but so much happier?  Did you maybe get the time to think about what is really important, and focus on what you wanted in life?  

By focusing on all the positive aspects of any situation you are raising your frequency, which influences the well-being of your body, but beyond the personal improvement, you are adding to the positive frequency of the human morphic field, which makes it easier for others who have not yet found allowance and joy to follow in your footsteps. You are being a light in the world, even if you don’t quite realize it yet. Raising your own vibration does more for the world than we can realize now; it will become far more apparent with the hind-sight we gain in the coming years.