In the times of crisis we are now living, it is really important to take the time to reflect on what must we change within ourselves in order to still live a life of empowerment and joy, even when we see some of our structures crumbling around us.

Because the only thing we can change, is our perceptions, our thoughts, our words, and our actions. We are being brought face to face with the fact that we can’t change anything outside of us, and whatever anybody else is thinking or doing, is not our responsibility.

We can inform, influence, assist others, but ultimately, it’s their decision what to think, say or do. And it’s our decision for what comes out of us, and if we are to help the situation, we must say and do what we think is right, not give in to the fear of deprivation that some are showing right now.

Think of it: if only 10 people in your city panicked and stocked up on everything they needed for a month or more – and the rest of the population did not, but acted responsibly, knowing that they are cared for, and supported and supplied – would there have been empty shelves in the supermarkets?

Nature is not in crisis, food still growing, trucks are still running bringing supplies to the shops, but it’s our fear of lack that has created this condition of lack. It’s temporary, because the stock of food is sufficient for at least 4 months, without any more being brought in; but during those 4 months, farmers are still delivering, and factories are still working, producing more, so what’s the big panic?

The fact that a lot of people panicked and very few stayed home refusing to believe they would be lacking anything, was actually the cause of the temporary shortage of food. And it is temporary, because this virus, like all other viruses, will subside and pass. Sending love to that part of God’s perfect creation, which is showing us its negative aspects, will contribute to calling out of the underlying spark of Life, God, which it really is. Love is the highest healing agent in the Universe!

This leads me into thinking that it’s our consciousness that must change; because this is not going to be the last crisis ever. We are going to have more of them, in different sectors of our economy; in every sector where there is any flawed or dysfunctional energy, and it is a principle that what we focus on, the Universe brings us more of that.

Our focus can be internal, the thoughts we think. It can also be external, the words we speak, the things we do. The collective consciousness of humanity in general, is now focused negatively, on what we don’t have, on what we can’t do, on what we don’t want.

I don’t want to get sick! I don’t want to be poor! I don’t want to be abandoned, or lonely, or betrayed! And the universe only hears the main idea, or the subject of the thought, which is sick, poor, abandoned, sad, or whatever your particular thing is, and is set up to always bring you more of the thing you’re focused on.

The Universe, being absolute ISness, positiveness, being One, always a YES, cannot hear a negation, a NO, don’, can’t. It cannot not be something, since it is all things. So we need to change our ways of interacting with the Universe, and focus on what we want, what is our vision for our life, focus on what do have, rather than on what we don’t, on what we can do, rather than on what we can’t. That is the only way to manifest what we actually want. When we think in that way, speak only of what we desire, and take the actions necessary to make that desire actually manifest in the visible world, that’s when the Universe delivers to us what we really want.